کتاب های Peter Moor

A Panorama of Modern Operator Theory and Related Topics: The Israel Gohberg Memorial Volume
Daniel Alpay, Haim Attia (auth.), Harry Dym, Marinus A. Kaashoek, Peter Lancaster, Heinz Langer, Leonid Lerer (eds.), 2012
NMR of Polymers
Frank A. Bovey, Peter A. Mirau,, 1996
Chemical Finishing of Textiles
Wolfgang D. Schindler Peter J. Hauser, 2004
Chemical Finishing of Textiles
Wolfgang D. Schindler Peter J. Hauser, 2004
Chemical Finishing of Textiles
Wolfgang D. Schindler, Peter J. Hauser, 2004
NMR spectroscopy : processing strategies
Peter Bigler, 1997
NMR Spectroscopy: Processing Strategies (With CD-ROM
John T. Moore, Peter Bigler, 2000
NMR Spectroscopy: Processing Strategies, Second Updated Edition
Dr. Peter Bigler(auth.), 2000
25 Albums That Rocked The World
Geoff Brown, David Buckley, Chris Charlesworth, Andrew Doe, Peter Doggett, Tony Fletcher, 2008
iPhone Advanced Projects
David Mark, Dylan Bruzenak, Joachim Bondo, Owen Goss, Peter Honeder, Ray Kiddy, Steve Finkelstein, Tom Harrington, Jonathan Saggau, Noel Llopis, Ben Smith, Joe Pezzillo, Florian Pflug, 2009
iPhone Advanced Projects
David Mark, Dylan Bruzenak, Joachim Bondo, Owen Goss, Peter Honeder, Ray Kiddy, Steve Finkelstein, Tom Harrington, Jonathan Saggau, Noel Llopis, Ben Smith, Joe Pezzillo, Florian Pflug, 2009
iPhone Advanced Projects
Joachim Bondo, Dylan Bruzenak, Steve Finkelstein, Owen Goss, Tom Harrington, Peter Honeder, Ray Kiddy, Noel Llopis, Joe Pezzillo, Florian Pflug, Jonathan Saggau, Ben Smith
iPhone Advanced Projects
Dylan Bruzenak, Joachim Bondo, Owen Goss, Peter Honeder, Ray Kiddy, Steve Finkelstein, Tom Harrington, Jonathan Saggau, Noel Llopis, Ben Smith, Joe Pezzillo, Florian Pflug, David Mark, 2009
Textile Faserstoffe: Beschaffenheit und Eigenschaften
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Werner Berger, Dr.-Ing. Heidemarie Faulstich, Dr. rer. nat. Peter Fischer, Prof. Dr. sc. techn. Adolf Heger, Prof. Dr. sc. nat. Hans-Jörg Jacobasch, Dr. Ing. Annerose Mally, Doz. Dr. sc. techn. Ingeborg Mikut (auth.), Professor Dr.-Ing. habil. Wolfgang Bobeth (eds.), 1993
Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen: Die Grundwerkzeuge
Martin Dietzfelbinger, Kurt Mehlhorn, Peter Sanders (auth.), 2014
Radon Transforms, Geometry, and Wavelets: Ams Special Session January 7-8, 2007, New Orleans, Louisiana Workshop January 4-5, 2007 Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Gestur Olafsson, Eric L. Grinberg, David Larson, Palle E. T. Jorgensen, Peter R. Massopust (ed.), 2008
A Flow-of-Funds Perspective on the Financial Crisis: Volume I: Money, Credit and Sectoral Balance Sheets
Bernhard Winkler, Ad van Riet, Peter Bull (eds.), 2014
A Flow-of-Funds Perspective on the Financial Crisis: Volume II: Macroeconomic Imbalances and Risks to Financial Stability
Bernhard Winkler, Ad van Riet, Peter Bull (eds.), 2014
Future Work: Changing organizational culture for the new world of work
Alison Maitland, Peter Thomson (auth.), 2014
Rolls-Royce: The Story of the Best Car in the World
Peter Garnier, Warren Allport, 1981
Geology and Seismic Stratigraphy of the Antarctic Margin
Alan K. Cooper, Peter F. Barker, Giuliano Brancolini, 1997
Campbell Biology
Jane B Reece; Lisa A Urry; Michael Lee Cain; Steven A Wasserman; PeterV Minorsky; et al; All authors, 2011
Campbell Biology
Jane B. Reece, Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Steven A. Wasserman, Peter V. Minorsky, Robert B. Jackson, 2013
Campbell Biology in Focus
Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Steven A. Wasserman, Peter V. Minorsky, Robert B. Jackson, Jane B. Reece, 2013