کتاب های Peter Olen (auth.)

CAD/CAM: Features, Applications and Management
Peter F. Jones (auth.), 1992
African Traditional Medicine: Autonomy and Informed Consent
Peter Ikechukwu Osuji (auth.), 2014
Advances in Manufacturing Technology II: Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Production Research
E. N. Corlett (auth.), Peter F. McGoldrick (eds.), 1987
Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval. Context, Exploration, and Fusion: 8th International Workshop, AMR 2010, Linz, Austria, August 17-18, 2010, Revised Selected Papers
Stephan Baumann, Rafael Schirru, Bernhard Streit (auth.), Marcin Detyniecki, Peter Knees, Andreas Nürnberger, Markus Schedl, Sebastian Stober (eds.), 2011
Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval. Context, Exploration, and Fusion: 8th International Workshop, AMR 2010, Linz, Austria, August 17-18, 2010, Revised Selected Papers
Stephan Baumann, Rafael Schirru, Bernhard Streit (auth.), Marcin Detyniecki, Peter Knees, Andreas Nürnberger, Markus Schedl, Sebastian Stober (eds.), 2011
Restricted Environmental Stimulation: Theoretical and Empirical Developments in Flotation REST
Thomas H. Budzynski (auth.), Peter Suedfeld Ph.D., John W. Turner Jr, Thomas H. Fine (eds.), 1990
Sensory Nerves and Neuropeptides in Gastroenterology: From Basic Science to Clinical Perspectives
Peter Holzer (auth.), Marcello Costa, Calogero Surrenti, Sergio Gorini, Carlo Alberto Maggi, Alberto Meli (eds.), 1991
Arteriovenous Hemofiltration: A Kidney Replacement Therapy for the Intensive Care Unit
Lee W. Henderson (auth.), Prof. Dr. med. Peter Kramer (eds.), 1986
Erfolgreich kooperieren: Best-Practice-Beispiele ausgezeichneter Zusammenarbeit
Thorsten Eggers, Arne Engelbrecht (auth.), Univ.-Professor a.D., Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans-Peter Wiendahl, Dr. Carsten Dreher, Dr.-Ing. Arne Engelbrecht (eds.), 2005
Peroxisomes and Related Particles in Animal Tissues
Prof. Dr. Peter Böck, Doz. Dr. Robert Kramar, Dr. Margit Pavelka (auth.), 1980
Advanced Computing
Dominik Schillinger, Quanji Cai, Ralf-Peter Mundani, Ernst Rank (auth.), Michael Bader, Hans-Joachim Bungartz, Tobias Weinzierl (eds.), 2013
Approximation and Online Algorithms: Third International Workshop, WAOA 2005, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, October 6-7, 2005, Revised Papers
David J. Abraham, Péter Biró, David F. Manlove (auth.), Thomas Erlebach, Giuseppe Persinao (eds.), 2006
Approximation and Online Algorithms: Third International Workshop, WAOA 2005, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, October 6-7, 2005, Revised Papers
David J. Abraham, Péter Biró, David F. Manlove (auth.), Thomas Erlebach, Giuseppe Persinao (eds.), 2006
Symposium in Immunology I and II
H. von Boehmer (auth.), Prof. Dr. Martha M. Eibl, Prof. Dr. Christoph Huber, Prof. Dr. Hans H. Peter, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wahn (eds.), 1993
Jahrbuch für Soziologiegeschichte 1994
Lothar Peter (auth.), Carsten Klingemann, Michael Neumann, Karl-Siegbert Rehberg, Ilja Srubar, Erhard Stölting (eds.), 1996
Jahrbuch für Soziologiegeschichte 1997/98
Lothar Peter (auth.), Prof. Dr. Carsten Klingemann, Michael Neumann, Karl-Siegbert Rehberg, Ilja Srubar, Erhard Stölting (eds.), 2001
Transactions on data hiding and multimedia security VII
Peter Meerwald, Andreas Uhl (auth.), Yun Q. Shi (eds.), 2012
Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing: 13th International Conference, ICA3PP 2013, Vietri sul Mare, Italy, December 18-20, 2013, Proceedings, Part II
Peter Benner, Pablo Ezzatti, Enrique Quintana-Ortí, Alfredo Remón (auth.), Rocco Aversa, Joanna Kołodziej, Jun Zhang, Flora Amato, Giancarlo Fortino (eds.), 2013
Advances in Object-Oriented Graphics I
Yen-Ping Shan (auth.), Dr. Edwin H. Blake, Dr. Peter Wisskirchen (eds.), 1991
Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation: 6th International Symposium, SARA 2005, Airth Castle, Scotland, UK, July 26-29, 2005. Proceedings
Scot Anderson, Peter Revesz (auth.), Jean-Daniel Zucker, Lorenza Saitta (eds.), 2005
R. C. Condit, E. G. Niles (auth.), Professor Richard W. Moyer Ph.D., Peter C. Turner Ph.D. (eds.), 1990
Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control 10
Marion R. Reynolds Jr., Jianying Lou (auth.), Hans-Joachim Lenz, Wolfgang Schmid, Peter-Theodor Wilrich (eds.), 2012
Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control 6
Rainer Göb (auth.), Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Lenz, Prof. Dr. Peter-Theodor Wilrich (eds.), 2001
Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control 7
Prof. Dr. Elart von Collani (auth.), Professor Dr. Hans-Joachim Lenz, Professor Dr. Peter-Theodor Wilrich (eds.), 2004