کتاب های Peter T

Patch Testing Tips: Recommendations from the ICDRG
Jean-Marie Lachapelle, Magnus Bruze, Peter U. Elsner (eds.), 2014
Patch Testing Tips: Recommendations from the ICDRG
Jean-Marie Lachapelle, Magnus Bruze, Peter U. Elsner (eds.), 2014
Hongbo Zhai, Howard I. Maibach, Klaus-Peter Wilhelm, 2012
Klaus-Peter Wilhelm, Hongbo Zhai, Howard I. Maibach, 2007
Dermatotoxicology, Eighth Edition
Klaus-Peter Wilhelm; Hongbo Zhai; Howard I Maibach, 2012
Comprehensive Surgical Management of Congenital Heart Disease
Richard A. Jonas M.D., Rebekah Dodson, James DiNardo M.D., Peter C. Laussen, Robert Howe, Robert LaPierre, Gregory Matte, 2004
Pancreatic Cancer
Douglas Brian Evans, Peter W. T. Pisters, James L. Abbruzzese, 2002
Quality of Service — IWQoS 2003: 11th International Workshop Berkeley, CA, USA, June 2–4, 2003 Proceedings
Dinan Gunawardena, Peter Key, Laurent Massoulié (auth.), Kevin Jeffay, Ion Stoica, Klaus Wehrle (eds.), 2003
Lectures in Supercomputational Neuroscience Dynamics in Complex Brain Networks Understanding Com
Peter Graben, Changsong Zhou, Marco Thiel, Jürgen Kurths, 2007
Crude world: the violent twilight of oil
Peter Maass, 2009
Crude World: The Violent Twilight of Oil
Peter Maass, 2010
General Agreement on Trade in Services and Higher Education in the Southern African Development Community
P. N Pillay, Peter A. M Maassen, Nico Cloete
Transformation in Higher Education: Global Pressures and Local Realities (Higher Education Dynamics)
Nico Cloete, Peter Maassen, Richard Fehnel, Teboho Moja, Trish Gibbon, Helene Perold, 2006
Transformation in Higher Education: Global Pressures and Local Realities (Higher Education Dynamics)
Nico Cloete, Peter Maassen, Richard Fehnel, Teboho Moja, Trish Gibbon, Helene Perold, 2006
Transformation in Higher Education: Global Pressures and Local Realities (Higher Education Dynamics)
Nico Cloete, Peter Maassen, Richard Fehnel, Teboho Moja, Trish Gibbon, Helene Perold, 2006
Zur Kunst des formalen Denkens
Burkhard Rainer E., Maass Wolfgang, Weibel Peter, Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, 2000
Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems
Peter Komarinski Master of ArtsCriminal Justice, 2004
Göttinger Risiko-, Inzidenz- und Prävalenzstudie (GRIPS): Entwicklung einer diagnostischen Strategie zur Früherkennung und präventiven Behandlung Koronargefährdeter 5-Jahres-Ergebnisse einer prospektiven Inzidenzstudie
Dr. med. Peter Cremer, Dr. rer. nat. Dorothea Nagel, Dr. med. Barbara Labrot, Rainer Muche, Dr. med. Harald Elster, Horst Mann, Prof. Dr. med. Dietrich Seidel (auth.), 1991
Introducing Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 for developers
Sean Campbell, Scott Swigart, Kris Horrocks, Derek Hatchard, Peter Bernhardt, 2005
Hämoblastosen Zentrale Motorik Iatrogene Schäden Myositiden
K. Hausmann (auth.), Prof. Dr. Dieter Seitz, Dr. Peter Vogel (eds.), 1983
Studies on Respiratory Disorders
Nirmal K. Ganguly, Surinder K. Jindal, Shyam Biswal, Peter J. Barnes, Ruby Pawankar (eds.), 2014
Particle Induced Electron Emission II
D. Hasselkamp (auth.), Dr. Dietmar Hasselkamp, Dr. Hermann Rothard, Professor Dr. Karl-Ontjes Groeneveld, Dr. Jürgen Kemmler, Dr. Peter Varga, Professor Dr. Hannspeter Winter (eds.), 1992
Particle Induced Electron Emission II
D. Hasselkamp (auth.), Dr. Dietmar Hasselkamp, Dr. Hermann Rothard, Professor Dr. Karl-Ontjes Groeneveld, Dr. Jürgen Kemmler, Dr. Peter Varga, Professor Dr. Hannspeter Winter (eds.), 1992
What Is Addiction?
Don Ross, Harold Kincaid, David Spurrett, Peter Collins, 2010