کتاب های Peter W. Brooks

Introduction to Poetics
Tzvetan Todorov; Richard Howard (translator); Peter Brooks (introduction), 1981
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Nonprofits and the Social Sectors (featuring "What Business Can Learn from Nonprofits" by Peter F. Drucker)
Harvard Business Review, Peter F. Drucker, Sheryl K. Sandberg, Muhammad Yunus, Arthur C. Brooks, 2019
Genet: a collection of critical essays
Peter Brooks, Joseph Halpern (Editors), 1979
Trame. Intenzionalità e progetto nel discorso narrativo
Peter Brooks, 2004
ABC of Tubes, Drains, Lines and Frames
Adam J. Brooks, Peter F. Mahoney, Brian Rowlands, 2008