کتاب های Peter Wild (auth.)

Religionshybride: Religion in posttraditionalen Kontexten
Prof. Dr. Peter A. Berger, Prof. Dr. Klaus Hock, Prof. Dr. Thomas Klie (auth.), Peter A. Berger, Klaus Hock, Thomas Klie (eds.), 2013
Neuro-Fuzzy and Fuzzy-Neural Applications in Telecommunications
Professor Peter Stavroulakis (auth.), Professor Peter Stavroulakis (eds.), 2004
Operational Weather Forecasting
Peter Inness, Steve Dorling(auth.), Peter Inness, William Beasley(eds.), 2013
One Health: The Human-Animal-Environment Interfaces in Emerging Infectious Diseases: Food Safety and Security, and International and National Plans for Implementation of One Health Activities
Peter R. Wielinga, Jørgen Schlundt (auth.), John S. Mackenzie, Martyn Jeggo, Peter Daszak, Juergen A. Richt (eds.), 2013
Fuzzy Sets, Logics and Reasoning about Knowledge
Didier Dubois, Henri Prade, Erich Peter Klement (auth.), Didier Dubois, Henri Prade, Erich Peter Klement (eds.), 1999
Mechatronik: Grundlagen und Komponenten
Berthold Heinrich, Peter Döring, Lutz Klüber, Stefan Nolte, Rolf Simon (auth.), Berthold Heinrich, Peter Döring, Lutz Klüber, Stefan Nolte, Rolf Simon (eds.), 2004
Kasuistische Beiträge zur modernen Pharmakotherapie mit Quetiapin
Prof. Dr. med. Hans-Peter Volz, O. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Siegfried Kasper, Prof. Dr. med. Hans-Jürgen Möller (auth.), Prof. Dr. med. Hans-Peter Volz, O. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Siegfried Kasper, Prof. Dr. med. Hans-Jürgen Möller (eds.), 2004
Meeresbiologische Exkursion: Beobachtung und Experiment
Dr. Peter Emschermann, Dr. Odwin Hoffrichter (auth.), Peter Emschermann, Odwin Hoffrichter, Helge Körner, Dieter Zissler (eds.), 1992
Unternehmenstheater in der Praxis: Veränderungsprozesse mit Theater gestalten — ein Sachroman
Peter Flume, Karin Hirschfeld, Christian Hoffmann (auth.), Peter Flume, Karin Hirschfeld, Christian Hoffmann (eds.), 2000
Albert Einstein: His Influence on Physics, Philosophy and Politics
Peter G. Bergmann (auth.), Peter C. Aichelburg, Roman U. Sexl (eds.), 1979
Albert Einstein: Sein Einfluß auf Physik, Philosophie und Politik
Peter G. Bergmann (auth.), Peter C. Aichelburg, Roman U. Sexl (eds.), 1979
Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics: 14th Congress of the International Society for Forensic Haemogenetics (Internationale Gesellschaft for forensische Hämogenetik e.V.), Mainz, September 18–21, 1991
Prof. Dr. Christian Rittner, Dr. rer. nat. Peter M. Schneider (auth.), Prof. Dr. Christian Rittner, Dr. rer. nat. Peter M. Schneider (eds.), 1992
Taphonomy: Process and Bias Through Time
Peter A. Allison, David J. Bottjer (auth.), Peter A. Allison, David J. Bottjer (eds.), 2011
Taphonomy: Process and Bias Through Time
Peter A. Allison, David J. Bottjer (auth.), Peter A. Allison, David J. Bottjer (eds.), 2011
Managing, Using, and Interpreting Hadrian's Wall as World Heritage
Prof. Peter G. Stone (auth.), Peter G. Stone, David Brough (eds.), 2014
Sleep and Health Risk
K. Kayed (auth.), Priv.-Doz. Dr. Jörg H. Peter, Dipl.-Phys. Thomas Penzel, Priv.-Doz. Dr. Thomas Podszus, Prof. Dr. Peter von Wichert (eds.), 1991
Bergey’s Manual® of Systematic Bacteriology: Volume Five The Actinobacteria, Part A and B
Wolfgang Ludwig, Jean Euzéby, Peter Schumann (auth.), Michael Goodfellow, Peter Kämpfer, Hans-Jürgen Busse, Martha E. Trujillo, Ken-ichiro Suzuki, Wolfgang Ludwig, William B. Whitman (eds.), 2012
Oxygen Transport to Tissue XVIII
D. G. Buerk, S. Osanai, D. K. Chugh, A. Mokashi, S. Lahiri (auth.), Edwin M. Nemoto, Joseph C. LaManna, Christopher Cooper, David Delpy, Karlfried Groebe, Thomas K. Hunt, Peter Keipert, Avrahim Mayevsky, Roland N. Pittman, William L. Rumsey, Peter Vaupel, David F. Wilson (eds.), 1997
Events und E-Commerce: Kundenbindung und Markenführung im Internet
Peter Friedrich Stephan (auth.), Prof. Peter Friedrich Stephan (eds.), 2000
Anatomy of an Orogen: the Apennines and Adjacent Mediterranean Basins
Gian Battista Vai, I. Peter Martini (auth.), Gian Battista Vai, I. Peter Martini (eds.), 2001
Abrechnung Alternative Medizin 2014: Methoden, Indikationen, Abrechnungsbeispiele
Peter M Hermanns, Gert Filler, Bärbel Roscher (auth.), Peter M Hermanns, Gert Filler, Bärbel Roscher (eds.), 2014
Applying Molecular and Materials Modeling
Phillip R. Westmoreland, Peter A. Kollman, Anne M. Chaka, Peter T. Cummings, Keiji Morokuma, Matthew Neurock, Ellen B. Stechel, Priya Vashishta (auth.), 2002
Restructuring the Welfare State: Theory and Reform of Social Policy
Peter Koslowski (auth.), Professsor Dr. Peter Koslowski, Dr. Andreas Føllesdal (eds.), 1997
Computational Earthquake Physics: Simulations, Analysis and Infrastructure, Part I
Xiang-chu Yin, Peter Mora, Andrea Donnellan (auth.), Xiang-chu Yin, Peter Mora, Andrea Donnellan, Mitsuhiro Matsu’ura (eds.), 2006