کتاب های Peter Wulf (auth.)

Wordsworth and Word-Preserving Arts: Typographic Inscription, Ekphrasis and Posterity in the Later Work
Peter Simonsen (auth.), 2007
Beyond Word Processing
Peter Flewitt (auth.), 1984
Engineering Embedded Systems: Physics, Programs, Circuits
Peter Hintenaus (auth.), 2015
Structural Analysis of Printed Circuit Board Systems
Peter A. Engel (auth.), 1993
Zur plastischen Berechnung von Stahlbeton
Dr. sc. techn. Peter Marti (auth.), 1980
Linear Operators and Matrices: The Peter Lancaster Anniversary Volume
Peter Lancaster (auth.), 2002
Sustainable Food Production Includes Human and Environmental Health
Peter Hough (auth.), 2014
Zur Theorie Thermisch Angeregter Gezeiten in der E-Schicht der Ionosphäre
Peter Holl (auth.), 1972
Lusting for London: Australian Expatriate Writers at the Hub of Empire, 1870–1950
Peter Morton (auth.), 2011
The Rise of the Social Sciences and the Formation of Modernity: Conceptual Change in Context, 1750–1850
Peter Hanns Reill (auth.), 1998
The Social Production of Technical Work: The Case of British Engineers
Peter Whalley (auth.), 1986
Critique of Entrepreneurship: People and Policy
Peter Armstrong (auth.), 2005
Die Lösung der linearen gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen und simultaner Systeme mit Hilfe der Stabstatik: Das Ersatzbalkenverfahren
Professor Dr.-Ing. Peter Stein (auth.), 1969
From Dust to Ashes: Cremation and the British Way of Death
Peter C. Jupp (auth.), 2006
Complexity, Language, and Life: Mathematical Approaches
Peter Gould (auth.), 1986
Fluid Power Logic Circuit Design: Analysis, Design Methods and Worked Examples
Peter Rohner (auth.), 1979
A Summary of Scientific Method
Peter Kosso (auth.), 2011
Adaptive Hypertext and Hypermedia
Dr. Peter Brusilovsky (auth.), 1998
Additive Representations of Preferences: A New Foundation of Decision Analysis
Peter P. Wakker (auth.), 1989
Multiperson Decision Making Models Using Fuzzy Sets and Possibility Theory
Peter C. Fishburn (auth.), 1990
8th International Conference on Automated Deduction: Oxford, England, July 27–August 1, 1986 Proceedings
Peter B. Andrews (auth.), 1986