کتاب های Petra Hass

Towards Permeable Boundaries of Organizations?
Leopold Ringel, Petra Hiller, Charlene Zietsma, 2018
The Human Rights Revolution: An International History
Akira Iriye (editor), Petra Goedde (editor), William I. Hitchcock (editor), 2012
Magnesium Technology 2023
Steven Barela, Aeriel Leonard, Petra Maier, Neale R. Neelameggham, Victoria M. Miller, 2023
Het sollicitatiegesprek
Petra van Nimwegen
Praxishandbuch Flexible Einsatzformen von Arbeitnehmern: Der rechtssichere Umgang mit atypischen Beschäftigungsverhältnissen für Unternehmer
Nicole Elert (editor); Petra Raspels (editor), 2012
Partitive Determiners, Partitive Pronouns and Partitive Case
Petra Sleeman (editor); Giuliana Giusti (editor); Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research NWO (editor), 2021
Butter, Butter
Petra Galler, 2023
Handbuch Wort und Wortschatz
Ulrike Haß (editor); Petra Storjohann (editor), 2015
Mapping the Holy Land: The Foundation of a Scientific Cartography of Palestine
Haim Goren; Jutta Faehndrich; Bruno Schelhaas; Petra Weigel, 2017
Equine Cultures in Transition: Ethical Questions
Jonna Bornemark; Petra Andersson; Ulla Ekström von Essen, 2019
Praxishandbuch Auslandseinsatz von Mitarbeitern: Die optimale Gestaltung aus Unternehmersicht
Petra Raspels (editor); Nicole Elert (editor), 2013
Exceptional Experiences: Engaging with Jolting Events in Art and Fieldwork
Petra Rethmann (editor); Helena Wulff (editor), 2023
Menopause Yoga: A Holistic Guide to Supporting Women on their Menopause Journey
Petra Coveney, 2021
Begin With You: Invest in Your Mental Well-being and Satisfaction at Work
Petra Velzeboer, 2023
Post-Soviet Secessionism : Nation-Building and State-Failure after Communism
Daria Isachenko; Mikhail Minakov; Mikhail Minakov; Gwendolyn Sasse; Andreas Umland; Bruno Coppieters; Jan Claas Behrends; Petra Colmorgen; Nataliia Kasianenko; Alice Lackner, 2021
Sherabad Oasis: Tracing Historical Landscape in Southern Uzbekistan
Ladislav Stančo; Petra Tuslová, 2020
Alfred Hermann Fried: Peace Activist and Nobel Prize Laureate
Petra Schönemann-Behrens, Edward T. Larkin, Thomas B. Ahrens, 2021
Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management: Conference on Declarative Programming, DECLARE 2019, Unifying INAP, WLP, and WFLP, Cottbus, Germany, ... (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12057)
Petra Hofstedt (editor), Salvador Abreu (editor), Ulrich John (editor), Herbert Kuchen (editor), Dietmar Seipel (editor), 2020
Petra Spark
Nineteenth-century European art
Petra ten-Doesschate Chu, 2006
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference, ECML PKDD 2022, Grenoble, France, September 19–23, 2022, Proceedings, Part III (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)
Massih-Reza Amini; Stéphane Canu; Asja Fischer; Tias Guns; Petra Kralj Novak; Grigorios Tsoumakas
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference, ECML PKDD 2022, Grenoble, France, September 19–23, 2022, Proceedings, Part VI (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)
Massih-Reza Amini; Stéphane Canu; Asja Fischer; Tias Guns; Petra Kralj Novak; Grigorios Tsoumakas
CAT(0) Cube Complexes: An Introduction (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 2324)
Petra Schwer, 2024