کتاب های Ph.d.

Wheater's Functional Histology: A Text and Colour Atlas, 5th Edition
Barbara Young BScMed Sci(Hons)PhDMBBChirMRCPFRCPA, James S. Lowe BMedSciBMBSDMFRCPath, Alan Stevens MBBSFRCPath, John W. Heath BSc(Hons)(Melbourne)PhD(Melbourne), Philip J. Deakin BSc(Hons)MBChB(Sheffield), 2006
Color Atlas Of Diagnostic Microbiology
Luis M. De la Maza MDPhD, Marie T. Pezzlo MAF(AAM), Ellen Jo Baron PhDF(AAM), 1997
Helping Victims of Violent Crime
Diane L. Green PhD, Albert R. Roberts DSW, PhD, 2008
A Practical Guide to the Evaluation of Child Physical Abuse and Neglect
Angelo P. Giardino MD, PhD, MPH, Michelle A. Lyn MD, Eileen R. Giardino RN, PhD, FNP-BC (auth.), Angelo P. Giardino, Michelle A. Lyn, Eileen R. Giardino (eds.), 2009
Craig's Restorative Dental Materials, 13th Edition
Ronald L. Sakaguchi DDS PhD, John M. Powers PhD, 2011
Quadrupedal Locomotion: An Introduction to the Control of Four-legged Robots
Pablo Gonzalez de Santos PhD, Elena Garcia Dr. Eng, Joaquin Estremera PhD (auth.), 2006
Advances in Design
Gunnar Sohlenius, Leif Clausson, Ann Kjellberg (auth.), Hoda A. ElMaraghy BSc, MEng, PhD, PEng, FSME, FCSME, Waguih H. ElMaraghy BSc, MEng, PhD, PEng, FASME, FCSME (eds.), 2006
Diseases of the Pancreas: Current Surgical Therapy
D. E. Bockman (auth.), Hans G. Beger MD, Seiki Matsuno MD, John L. Cameron MD, PhD, Bettina M. Rau MD, Makoto Sunamura MD, PhD, Richard D. Schulick MD (eds.), 2008
A Guided Tour of Relational Databases and Beyond
Mark Levene BSc, PhD, George Loizou BA, PhD (auth.), 1999
Molecular Biology of Diabetes: I. Autoimmunity and Genetics; Insulin Synthesis and Secretion
Massimo Pietropaolo, George S. Eisenbarth (auth.), Boris Draznin MD, PhD, Derek LeRoith MD, PhD (eds.), 1994
Career Development in Bioengineering and Biotechnology: Roads Well Laid and Paths Less Traveled
Robert A. Linsenmeier PhD, David W. Gatchell PhD (auth.), Guruprasad Madhavan, Barbara Oakley, Luis Kun (eds.), 2008
Career Development in Bioengineering and Biotechnology: Roads Well Laid and Paths Less Traveled
Robert A. Linsenmeier PhD, David W. Gatchell PhD (auth.), Guruprasad Madhavan, Barbara Oakley, Luis Kun (eds.), 2008
Casting: An Analytical Approach
Alexandre Reikher PhD, Michael R. Barkhudarov PhD (auth.), 2007
Cognitive-behavioral therapies for trauma
Victoria M. Follette PhD, Josef I. Ruzek PhD, 2006
Basic Immunology: Functions and Disorders of the Immune System, 4e
Abul K. Abbas MBBS, Andrew H. H. Lichtman MDPhD, Shiv Pillai MBBSPhD, 2012
Dan L. Longo, MD Anthony S. Fauci, MD Dennis L. Kasper, MD Sthepen L. Hauser, MD J. Larry Jameson, MD, PhD Joseph Loscalzo, MD, PhD, 2013
Hormone Resistance Syndromes
Gerhard Baumann MD, Hiralal G. Maheshwari MBBS,PhD (auth.), J. Larry Jameson MD, PhD (eds.), 1999
Anxiety & depression workbook for dummies
Charles H. Elliott PhD, Laura L. Smith PhD, Aaron T. Beck MD, 2005
Anxiety & Depression Workbook For Dummies
Charles H. Elliott PhD, Laura L. Smith PhD, Aaron T. Beck MD, 2006
Asperger Syndrome, Second Edition: Assessing and Treating High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders
James C. McPartland PhD, Ami Klin PhD, MD FredR. Volkmar MD, Maria Asperger Felder MD, 2014
Standard Relational and Network Database Languages
E. J. Yannakoudakis BSc, PhD, CEng, FBCS, C. P. Cheng BSc, MSc, PhD, MBCS (auth.), 1988
AISB91: Proceedings of the Eighth Conference of the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour, 16–19 April 1991, University of Leeds
Anil S. Chakravarthy (auth.), Luc Steels MSc, PhD, Barbara Smith BSc, MSc, PhD (eds.), 1991
Flow Control by Feedback: Stabilization and Mixing
Ole Morten Aamo PhD, Miroslav Krstić PhD (auth.), 2003
Clinical Applications of Nursing Diagnosis: Adult, Child, Women's, Psychiatric, Gerontic, and Home Health Considerations
Helen C. Cox RN CEdDFAAN, Mittie D. Hinz MSNMBA, Susan A. Newfield PhDRNPMHCNS-BC, Donna Scott-Tilley PhDRNCNE, 2007