کتاب های Ph.d.

Exercise Physiology: Nutrition, Energy, and Human Performance
William D. McArdle BSM.EdPhD, Frank I. Katch, Victor L. Katch, 2009
Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents
Tracy L. Morris PhD, John S. March MDMPH, 2004
Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents
Tracy L. Morris PhD, John S. March MDMPH, 2004
Attachment in Psychotherapy
David J. Wallin PhD, 2007
Behavior and Personality: Psychological Behaviorism
Walter W. Staats PhD, 1996
Being and Becoming: A Field Approach to Psychology
PhD Arthur Combs, 2006
Biopsy Pathology of the Bronchi
Elizabeth M. McDowell B Vet Med, PhD (Cantab), Theodore F. Beals MD (auth.), 1986
Conceptions of Giftedness
Robert J. Sternberg PhD, Janet E. Davidson, 2005
A short safari adventure among Africa's thorny bushveld wildlife: History guide, life's imperatives, enigmas and travel
Bruce W. Lytle MD, Lars G. Svensson MD PhD, 2013
A short safari adventure among Africa's thorny bushveld wildlife: History guide, life's imperatives, enigmas and travel
Bruce W. Lytle MD, Lars G. Svensson MD PhD, 2013
A short safari adventure among Africa's thorny bushveld wildlife: History guide, life's imperatives, enigmas and travel
Bruce W. Lytle MD, Lars G. Svensson MD PhD, 2013
Advances in Manufacturing: Decision, Control and Information Technology
S. G. Tzafestas PhD (auth.), 1999
Modular Design for Machine Tools
Jianhong Chen, Lijun Xu, Joon Hock Yeo, Lijun Jiang, Jiemo Tian (auth.), Srichand Hinduja BE, MSc, PhD (eds.), 2008
Breaking Through to Teens: A New Psychotherapy for the New Adolescence
Ron Taffel PhD, 2005
Child and Adolescent Therapy Cognitive. Behavioral Procedures
Philip C. Kendall PhD, 2005
Autotuning of PID Controllers: A Relay Feedback Approach
Cheng-Ching Yu PhD (auth.), 2006
Cognative Therapy of Personality Disorders
Aaron T. Beck MD, EdD Arthur Freeman EdD, Denise D. Davis Phd, 2003
Cognitive Therapy of Personality Disorders, Third Edition
Aaron T. Beck MD, Denise D. Davis PhD, EdD Arthur Freeman EdD, 2014
AIDS and Respiratory Medicine
Jacques Chrétien, Donald A. Enarson (auth.), Alimuddin Zumla BSc MB ChB MSc PhD FRCP, Margaret Johnson MD, FRCP, Robert Miller MB FRCP (eds.), 1997
System Design through Matlab®, Control Toolbox and Simulink®
Krishna K. Singh BE, Mtech, Gayatri Agnihotri BE, Mtech, PhD (auth.), 2001
The Bionic Human: Health Promotion for People With Implanted Prosthetic Devices
Frank E. Johnson MD (auth.), Frank E. Johnson MD, Katherine S. Virgo PhD, Terry C. Lairmore MD, Riccardo A. Audisio MD, FRCS (eds.), 2006
The Bionic Human: Health Promotion for People With Implanted Prosthetic Devices
Frank E. Johnson MD (auth.), Frank E. Johnson MD, Katherine S. Virgo PhD, Terry C. Lairmore MD, Riccardo A. Audisio MD, FRCS (eds.), 2006
Protesis Dental Sobre Implantes
Carl E. Misch DDSMDSPHD(HC), 2006
Applied Drilling Circulation Systems: Hydraulics, Calculations and Models
Boyun GuoPhD, Gefei Liu, 2011