کتاب های Phil Martin

Advanced Grammar in Use with Answers
Martin Hewings, 2005
Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis–1978
L. G. Wade and Martin J. O'Donnell (Eds.), 1979
Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis–1979
L. G. Wade and Martin J. O'Donnell (Eds.), 1980
Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis–1982
L.G. Wade and Martin J. O'Donnell (Eds.), 1983
Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis–1983
Martin J. O'Donnell and Louis M. Weiss (Eds.), 1984
Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis–1984
Martin J. O'Donnell and Louis M. Weiss (Eds.), 1985![Comprehensive organic synthesis : selectivity, strategy & efficiency in modern organic chemistry / volume 1, Additions to C-X [pi]-bonds, part 1 / ed. Stuart L. Schreiber](http://cdn.ketabkoo.com/covers/1/151071-n.jpg)
Comprehensive organic synthesis : selectivity, strategy & efficiency in modern organic chemistry / volume 1, Additions to C-X [pi]-bonds, part 1 / ed. Stuart L. Schreiber
Barry Martin Trost; Ian Fleming, chimiste.; Stuart L Schreiber, 1991
Calculation of NMR and EPR parameters : theory and applications
Martin Kaupp; Michael Bühl; Vladimir G Malkin, 2004
Calculation of NMR and EPR Parameters: Theory and Applications
Martin Kaupp, 2004
Functional Studies Using NMR
V. Ralph McCready (auth.), V. Ralph McCready MSc, MRCP, FRCR, Martin Leach MSc, PhD, Peter J. Ell MD, MSc, PD, MRCP, FRCR (eds.), 1987
Hyperpolarization Methods in NMR Spectroscopy
Martin Goez (auth.), Lars T. Kuhn (eds.), 2013
Mobile NMR and MRI : developments and applications
Michael L Johns, Einar O Fridjonsson, Sarah J Vogt, Agnes Haber, William Price, Peter Blümler, Daniel Holland, John van Duynhoven, Bruce Balcom, Eichii Fukushima, Martin Hurlimann, Anatoly Legchenko, Nan Sun, Michelle Espy, Andrew McDowell, Matthew Rosen, Bernard Blümich, 2015
Collaborative Enterprise Architecture: Enriching EA with Lean, Agile, and Enterprise 2.0 practices
Claus T. Jensen, Owen Cline, Martin Owen, 2012
Modern NMR Approaches to the Structure Elucidation of Natural Products: Volume 1: Instrumentation and Software
Antony Williams, Gary Martin, David Rovnyak (eds.), 2015
Modern NMR Approaches to the Structure Elucidation of Natural Products: Volume 1: Instrumentation and Software
Antony Williams, Gary Martin, David Rovnyak (eds.), 2015
Biotextiles as medical implants
Martin W. King, 2013
Die Regelung der Warenabgabe, Wiederbeschaffung und Preisgestaltung im Textileinzelhandel
Dr. Martin Tripp (auth.), 1940
Die Regelung der Warenabgabe, Wiederbeschaffung und Preisgestaltung im Textileinzelhandel
Dr. Martin Tripp (auth.), 1941
Medical textiles for implantation
H. Planck (auth.), Dr. Ing. Heinrich Planck, Dipl. Ing. Martin Dauner, Dipl. Biol. Monika Renardy (eds.), 1990
Medical Textiles for Implantation
H. Planck (auth.), Dr. Ing. Heinrich Planck, Dipl. Ing. Martin Dauner, Dipl. Biol. Monika Renardy (eds.), 1990
A Multidisciplinary Analysis of Controversies in the Management of Prostate Cancer
H. Ballentine Carter M.D., Donald S. Coffey Ph.D. (auth.), Donald S. Coffey, Martin I. Resnick, F. Andrew Dorr, James P. Karr (eds.), 1988
Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen: Die Grundwerkzeuge
Martin Dietzfelbinger, Kurt Mehlhorn, Peter Sanders (auth.), 2014
Algorithms Unplugged
Thomas Seidl, Jost Enderle (auth.), Berthold Vöcking, Helmut Alt, Martin Dietzfelbinger, Rüdiger Reischuk, Christian Scheideler, Heribert Vollmer, Dorothea Wagner (eds.), 2011
Algorithms Unplugged
Thomas Seidl, Jost Enderle (auth.), Berthold Vöcking, Helmut Alt, Martin Dietzfelbinger, Rüdiger Reischuk, Christian Scheideler, Heribert Vollmer, Dorothea Wagner (eds.), 2011