کتاب های Philip Ball (auth.)

Marcel Proust
Philip Thody (auth.), 1987
Roland Barthes: A Conservative Estimate
Philip Thody (auth.), 1977
Twentieth-Century Literature: Critical Issues and Themes
Philip Thody (auth.), 1996
Mathematical Encounters of the Second Kind
Philip J. Davis (auth.), 1996
Thomas Gray in Copenhagen: In Which the Philosopher Cat Meets the Ghost of Hans Christian Andersen
Philip J. Davis (auth.), 1995
Fundamentals and Applications of Anion Separations
Philip A. Gale (auth.), 2004
Complex Structure and Dynamics of the Heart
Philip Bittihn (auth.), 2015
Rubber Processing and Production Organization
Philip K. Freakley (auth.), 1985
Materials Information for CAD/CAM
Philip Sargent (Auth.), 1991
Control of Enzyme Activity
Philip Cohen (auth.), 1983
Genetic Toxicology: Principles and Methods
Philip Judson (auth.), 2012
Banking: An introductory text
Philip Molyneux (auth.), 1990
Practical Salesforce.com Development Without Code: Customizing Salesforce on the Force.com Platform
Philip Weinmeister (auth.), 2015
British Domestic Synchronous Clocks 1930-1980: The Rise and Fall of a Technology
Leslie Philip Pook (auth.), 2015
The Star Atlas Companion: What you need to know about the Constellations
Philip M. Bagnall (auth.), 2012
Programmers and Managers: The Routinization of Computer Programming in the United States
Philip Kraft (auth.), 1977
Trade and Technology in Soviet-Western Relations
Philip Hanson (auth.), 1981
Advanced Photoshop Elements 7 for Digital Photographers
Philip Andrews (Auth.), 2009
Adobe Photoshop Elements 8 for Photographers
Philip Andrews (Auth.), 2010
Shakespeare: The Jacobean Plays
Philip C. McGuire (auth.), 1994
Money, Pricing, Distribution and Economic Integration
Philip Arestis (auth.), 1997