کتاب های Philippe Aries
درباره نویسنده

Centuries of Childhood: A Social History of Family Life
Philippe Aries, 1965
História da Vida Privada 1 - Do Império Romano ao Ano Mil
org. Philippe Ariès e Georges Duby
Historia de la muerte en Occidente
Philippe Aries, 2000
Istoria vieţii private
Philippe Aries
O tempo da história
Philippe Aries, 1989
Saint-Pierre oder die Süße des Lebens
Philippe Aries
Western attitudes toward death
Philippe Ariés, 1972
Western Attitudes Toward Death
Philippe Ariés, 1972
Western Attitudes Toward Death
Philippe Aries, 1972
Le Temps de l’histoire
Philippe Ariès, 1986
Le temps de l’histoire
Aries, Philippe, 1986
Storia della morte in Occidente
Philippe Ariès, 1998
L’Enfant et la vie familiale sous l’Ancien Régime
Philippe Ariès, 1960
Essais sur l’histoire de la mort en Occident
Philippe Ariès, 1975
L’Homme devant la mort
Philippe Ariès, 1977
A History of Private Life, Vol. 1: From Pagan Rome to Byzantium
Philippe Ariès; Paul Veyne; Georges Duby; Arthur Goldhammer; Yvon Thébert; Michel Rouche; Évelyne Patlagean; Peter R.L. Brown, 1992
A History of Private Life, Vol. 4: From the Fires of Revolution to the Great War
Philippe Aries; Michelle Perrot; Georges Duby; Arthur Goldhammer, 1990
History of private life, volume 5: Riddles of Identity in Modern Times
Philippe Ariès; Georges Duby; Antoine Prost; Michelle Perrot; Gerard Vincent; Arthur Goldhammer, 1998
History of Private Life, Vol. 2: Revelations of the Medieval World
Duby, Georges.; Ariès, Philippe; Goldhammer, Arthur, 1999
Imperio Romano y Antigüedad Tardía
Philippe Ariés, George Duby (eds.), 1990
Philippe Ariès, 2015
Philippe Ariès, 2015
Özel Hayatın Tarihi 1 - Roma İmparatorluğu'ndan 1000 Yılına
Philippe Aries; Georges Duby, 2006