کتاب های Pierre Six

Mediul divin
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, 2007
Mediul divin
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, 2007
Realms of Memory: Rethinking the French Past
Pierre Nora et al., 1996
Realms of Memory, volume 3
Pierre Nora, Lawrence D. Kritzman, 1998
Démosthène, Plaidoyers politiques, Tome I: Contre Androtion - Contre la loi de Leptine - Contre Timocrate
Navarre, Octave & Orsini, Pierre (eds.), 1954
Educatie si cultura in Occidentul barbar
Pierre Riche, 2001
Storia della politica mondiale. 7. Le crisi del secolo 20. : dal 1914 al 1929
Renouvin, Pierre, 1974
Originile politicii moderne
Pierre Manent, 2000
In quest of the white god: In Search of Quetzalcoatl
Pierre Honoré
Sociologias da Alimentação
Jean-Pierre Poulain, 2004
The Question of Power: An Interview with Pierre Clastres
Abensour, Miguel; Clastres, Pierre, 2016
Evangélicos en América Latina
Jean Pierre Bastián, et. al., 1995
How to Talk About Books You Haven't Read
Bayard, Pierre; Gardner, Grover, 2005
The Dukan Diet: 2 Steps to Lose the Weight, 2 Steps to Keep It Off Forever
Pierre Dukan, 2011
Elements of Bayesian Statistics
Florens, Jean-Pierre; Mouchart, Micher; Rolin, Jean-Marie, 2018
Grammaire grecque
Alphonse Dain, Jules Albert de Foucault, Pierre Poulain, 1967
Digital Systems: From Logic Gates to Processors
Jean-Pierre Deschamps, Elena Valderrama, Lluís Terés (auth.), 2017
Particles in Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows: Deposition, Re-Suspension and Agglomeration
Jean-Pierre Minier, Jacek Pozorski (eds.), 2017
Filosofía y cambio social
Louis Althusser, Pierre Macherey, Étienne Balibar, 1984
La Royauté en Grèce avant Alexandre
Pierre Carlier, 1984
L’arithmétique ou l’art de compter
Pierre Damphousse, 2002
Le roman sociologique américain
Pierre Saint-Arnaud, 2017