کتاب های Pieter E. Vermaas

A Philosophy of Technology: From Technical Artefacts to Sociotechnical Systems (Synthesis Lectures on Engineers, Technology, and Society)
Pieter Vermaas, Peter Kroes, Maarten Franssen, Ibo van de Poel, Wybo Houkes, 2011
Handbook of Ethics, Values, and Technological Design: Sources, Theory, Values and Application Domains
Jeroen van den Hoven, Pieter E. Vermaas, Ibo van de Poel (eds.), 2015
Artefact Kinds: Ontology and the Human-Made World
Maarten Franssen, Peter Kroes, Thomas A.C. Reydon, Pieter E. Vermaas (eds.), 2014
Philosophy and Design: From Engineering to Architecture
Pieter E. Vermaas, 2007
Philosophy of Technology after the Empirical Turn
Maarten Franssen, Pieter E. Vermaas, Peter Kroes, Anthonie W.M. Meijers (eds.), 2016