کتاب های Pietro Rea

Core Data by Tutorials: iOS 8 and Swift Edition
Aaron Douglas, Saul Mora, Matthew Morey, Pietro Rea, 2014
Core Data By Tutorials
Aaron Douglas, Saul Mora, Matthew Morey, Pietro Rea, 2016
Core Data By Tutorials
Aaron Douglas, Saul Mora, Matthew Morey, Pietro Rea, 2016
Core Data by Tutorials: iOS 12 and Swift 4.2 Edition
Raywenderlich.com Team, Aaron Douglas, Saul Mora, Matthew Morey, Pietro Rea, 2018
Core Data by Tutorials
Aaron Douglas, Matthew Morey and Pietro Rea, 2020
Cold-adapted Yeasts: Biodiversity, Adaptation Strategies and Biotechnological Significance
Pietro Buzzini, Rosa Margesin (auth.), Pietro Buzzini, Rosa Margesin (eds.), 2014
Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online: Third International Workshop, HELMeTO 2021, Pisa, Italy, September 9–10, 2021, Revised ... Computer and Information Science Book 1542)
Gabriella Casalino, Marta Cimitile, Pietro Ducange, Natalia Padilla Zea, Riccardo Pecori, Pietro Picerno, Paolo Raviolo, 2022
Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online: Third International Workshop, HELMeTO 2021, Pisa, Italy, September 9–10, 2021, Revised ... Computer and Information Science Book 1542)
Gabriella Casalino, Marta Cimitile, Pietro Ducange, Natalia Padilla Zea, Riccardo Pecori, Pietro Picerno, Paolo Raviolo, 2022
Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2010: Smart Systems for Green Cars and Safe Mobility
Marco Ottella, Pietro Perlo, Ovidiu Vermesan, Reiner John, Kees Gehrels, Harald Gall (auth.), Gereon Meyer, Jürgen Valldorf (eds.), 2010
5th FORUM ON NEW MATERIALS PART C Proceedings of the 5th Forum on New Materials, part of CIMTEC 2010-12 th International Ceramics Congress and 5th Forum on New Materials Montecatini Terme, Italy, June 13-18, 2010
Edited by Pietro VINCENZINI World Academy of Ceramics and National Research Council, Italy Co-edited by Kunihito KOUMOTO, Nagoya University, Japan Nicola ROMEO, University of Parma,, 2010
Biohydrogen II
Jun Miyake, Tadashi Matsunaga, Anthony San Pietro, 2001
Biohydrogen II: An Approach to Environmentally Acceptable Technology
Jun Miyake, Tadashi Matsunaga, Anthony Gordan San Pietro, 2001
12th INTERNATIONAL CERAMICS CONGRESS Proceedings of the 12 th International Ceramics Congress, part of CIMTEC 2010- 12 th International Ceramics Congress and 5th Forum on New Materials Montecatini Terme, Italy, June 6-11, 2010 PART J including: Symposium CM – Disclosing Materials at Nanoscale Symposium CN – Advanced Inorganic Fibre Composites for Structural & Thermal Management Applications
Edited by Pietro VINCENZINI World Academy of Ceramics and National Research Council, Italy Co-edited by Maurizio FERRARI CNR-IFN, Italy Mrityunjay SINGH NASA Glenn Research Center, USA, 2010
Quantum Simulations of Materials and Biological Systems
Jessica Hermet, Carlo Adamo, Pietro Cortona (auth.), Jun Zeng, Rui-Qin Zhang, Herbert R. Treutlein (eds.), 2012
12th INTERNATIONAL CERAMICS CONGRESS PART H. Geopolymers and Geocements: Low Environmentally Impact Ceramic Materials
Pietro VINCENZINI and Cristina LEONELLI, 2011
12th INTERNATIONAL CERAMICS CONGRESS PART I Proceedings of the 12 th International Ceramics Congress, part of CIMTEC 2010- 12 th International Ceramics Congress and 5th Forum on New Materials Montecatini Terme, Italy, June 6-11, 2010 PART I including: Symposium CL – Refractories: Recent Developments in Materials, Production and Use
Edited by Pietro VINCENZINI World Academy of Ceramics and National Research Council, Italy Co-edited by James P. BENNETT NETL – USDOE, USA, 2010
Leonardo - La Gioconda
Pietro C. Marani, 2003
Leonardo. La Gioconda
Pietro C. Marani, 2003
Agent-based Models of the Economy: From Theories to Applications
Riccardo Boero, Matteo Morini, Michele Sonnessa, Pietro Terna, 2015
Advances in Artificial Life: 9th European Conference, ECAL 2007, Lisbon, Portugal, September 10-14, 2007. Proceedings
Pietro Speroni di Fenizio, Peter Dittrich (auth.), Fernando Almeida e Costa, Luis Mateus Rocha, Ernesto Costa, Inman Harvey, António Coutinho (eds.), 2007
Design and Construction of Tunnels: Analysis of controlled deformation in rocks and soils (ADECO-RS)
Pietro Lunardi (auth.), 2008
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Third Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, AI*IA '93 Torino, Italy, October 26–28, 1993 Proceedings
Mauro Di Manzo, Enrico Giunchiglia (auth.), Pietro Torasso (eds.), 1993
Advances in inequalities for special functions
Pietro Cerone, Sever Silvestru Dragomir, 2008