کتاب های Ping Lu (editor)

Hans-Christian Pape (editor), Armin Kurtz (editor), Stefan Silbernagl (editor), 2019
Hans-Christian Pape (editor), Armin Kurtz (editor), Stefan Silbernagl (editor), 2019
Taschenatlas Hämatologie: Mikroskopische und klinische Diagnostik für die Praxis
Torsten Haferlach (editor), Marianne Engels (editor), Heinz Diem (editor), 2019
Grundlagen der Ergotherapie
Mieke le Granse (editor), Margo van Hartingsveldt (editor), Astrid Kinébanian (editor), 2019
Facharztprüfung Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe: 1234 kommentierte Prüfungsfragen
Christoph Keck (editor), Dominik Denschlag (editor), Clemens Tempfer (editor), 2019
PROMETHEUS Allgemeine Anatomie und Bewegungssystem: LernAtlas der Anatomie
Michael Schünke (editor), Erik Schulte (editor), Udo Schumacher (editor), 2018
Biochemie und Molekularbiologie des Menschen: mit Zugang zum Elsevier-Portal
Manfred Schartl (editor), Manfred Gessler (editor), Arnold von Eckardstein (editor), 2009
Endoscopic sinonasal dissection guide : including orbit and skull base
Roy R. Casiano; Jean Anderson Eloy (editor); Islam R. Herzallah (editor); Roy R. Casiano (editor), 2018
Atlas of anatomy
M Ross Lawrence (editor); Anne M. Gilroy (editor); Brian R. MacPherson (editor); Erik Schulte; Udo Schumacher; Michael Schünke, 2012
Kurzlehrbuch Pathologie (Kurzlehrbücher)
Thomas Kirchner (editor), Hans Konrad Müller-Hermelink (editor), Albert Roessner (editor), 2018
Endoscopic surgery of the orbit : anatomy, pathology, and management
Benjamin S. Bleier (editor); (Otolaryngologist) Raymond Sacks (editor); Suzanne K. Freitag (editor), 2019
Key techniques in orthopaedic surgery
Matthew D. Saltzman (editor); Steven H. Stern (editor); Christopher M. Bono (editor), 2018
Fat injection from filling to regeneration
Riccardo F. Mazzola (editor); Sydney Coleman (editor); Lee L. Q. Pu (editor), 2018
Whom can we trust? : how groups, networks and institutions make trust possible
Margaret Levi (editor); Karen S. Cook (editor); Russell Hardin (editor), 2012
From Globalization to World Society: Neo-Institutional and Systems-Theoretical Perspectives
Boris Holzer (editor), Fatima Kastner (editor), Tobias Werron (editor), 2014
Lehrbuch Pathologie
Gerald Höfler (editor), Hans Kreipe (editor), Holger Moch (editor), 2019
Physiologie: Das Lehrbuch
Erwin-Josef Speckmann (editor), Jürgen Hescheler (editor), Rüdiger Köhling (editor), 2019
Praxisleitfaden Allgemeinmedizin: Mit Zugang zur Medizinwelt (Klinikleitfaden)
Stefan Gesenhues (editor), Anne Gesenhues (editor), Birgitta Weltermann (editor), 2017
Abbas, A: Fog Computing (Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing)
Assad Abbas (editor), Samee U. Khan (editor), Albert Y. Zomaya (editor), 2020
La fine del mondo. Contributo all'analisi delle apocalissi culturali
Ernesto De Martino, G. Charuty (editor), D. Fabre (editor), M. Massenzio (editor), 2019
Praxisleitfaden Ärztlicher Bereitschaftsdienst
Gabriele Fobbe (editor), Martina Heßbrügge (editor), Hermann Caspar Römer (editor), 2020
Advances in Computer Methods and Geomechanics: IACMAG Symposium 2019: IACMAG Symposium 2019 Volume 1
Amit Prashant (editor), Ajanta Sachan (editor), Chandrakant S. Desai (editor), 2020
Advances in Computer Methods and Geomechanics: IACMAG Symposium 2019: IACMAG Symposium 2019 Volume 2
Amit Prashant (editor), Ajanta Sachan (editor), Chandrakant S. Desai (editor), 2020
An Introduction to the Solar System
David A. Rothery (editor), Neil McBride (editor), Iain Gilmour (editor), 2018