کتاب های Prof Dr André Weil (auth.)

Radiological Exploration of the Ventricles and Subarachnoid Space
Prof. Giovanni Ruggiero, Prof. Jacques Bories, Prof. Alberto Calabrò, Dr. Gianfranco Cristi, Dr. Giuseppe Scialfa, Prof. Francesco Smaltino, Prof. André Thibaut (auth.), 1974
Biological Markers of Alzheimer’s Disease
J. R. Atack (auth.), Prof. François Boller, Prof. Robert Katzman, Prof. André Rascol, Prof. Jean-Louis Signoret, Dr. Yves Christen (eds.), 1989
The Apprenticeship of a Mathematician
Prof. Dr. André Weil (auth.), 1992
Zahlentheorie: Ein Gang durch die Geschichte Von Hammurapi bis Legendre
Prof Dr André Weil (auth.), 1992
Elliptic Functions according to Eisenstein and Kronecker
Prof. André Weil (auth.), 1976
Elliptic Functions according to Eisenstein and Kronecker
Prof. André Weil (auth.), 1976
Escritos do Oriente Antigo e Fontes Bíblicas
André Barucq, André CAQUOT, Jean-Marie DURAND, André LEMAIRE, E. MASSON, 1992
Dirichlet Series and Automorphic Forms: Lezioni Fermiane
André Weil (auth.), 1971
Lehr- und Wanderjahre eines Mathematikers: Aus dem Französischen von Theresia Übelhör
André Weil (auth.), 1993
Basic Number Theory
Professor André Weil (auth.), 1967
Basic Number Theory
Professor André Weil (auth.), 1974
Basic Number Theory
Professor André Weil (auth.), 1973
Number theory for beginners
André Weil (auth.), 1979
Dirichlet Series and Automorphic Forms: Lezioni Fermiane
André Weil (auth.), 1971
Basic number theory
Andre Weil, 1995
Basic Number Theory
Andre Weil, 1995
Collected Papers: Volume 1: Contributions to Number Theory
Ernst Eduard Kummer; Andre Weil (ed.), 1975
The Apprenticeship of a Mathematician
André Weil, 1992
Adeles and Algebraic Groups (Progress in Mathematics)
Andre Weil, 1982
Adeles and Algebraic Groups (Progress in Mathematics)
Andre Weil, 1982
Correspondance entre Henri Cartan et André Weil (1928-1991)
André Weil, 2011