کتاب های Prof. Dr. André Weil (auth.)

Urban Encounters: Affirmative Action and Black Identities in Brazil
André Cicalo (auth.), 2012
Focal Points in Framed Games: Breaking the Symmetry
André Casajus (auth.), 2001
Alternative Pseudodifferential Analysis: With an Application to Modular Forms
André Unterberger (auth.), 2008
Alternative Pseudodifferential Analysis: With an Application to Modular Forms
André Unterberger (auth.), 2008
Automorphic Pseudodifferential Analysis and Higher Level Weyl Calculi
André Unterberger (auth.), 2003
Pseudodifferential Analysis, Automorphic Distributions in the Plane and Modular Forms
André Unterberger (auth.), 2011
Pseudodifferential Operators with Automorphic Symbols
André Unterberger (auth.), 2015
Quantization and Arithmetic
André Unterberger (auth.), 2008
Quantization and Non-holomorphic Modular Forms
André Unterberger (auth.), 2000
Quantization and Non-holomorphic Modular Forms
André Unterberger (auth.), 2000
Revenue Management and Survival Analysis in the Automobile Industry
André Jerenz (auth.), 2008
Random Vibration and Spectral Analysis
André Preumont (auth.), 1994
In Memoriam Paul-André Meyer: Séminaire de Probabilités XXXIX
Meyer Paul André (auth.), 2006
Physics, Formation And Evolution Of Rotating Stars
André Maeder (auth.), 2009
Physics, Formation and Evolution of Rotating Stars
André Maeder (auth.), 2009
Physics, Formation and Evolution of Rotating Stars
André Maeder (auth.), 2009
Encephalo-Peripheral Nervous System: Vascularisation Anatomy Imaging
André Leblanc (auth.), 2004
The Cranial Nerves: Anatomy Imaging Vascularisation
André Leblanc (auth.), 1995
Flags of the Night Sky: When Astronomy Meets National Pride
André G. Bordeleau (auth.), 2014
Between Ideology and Utopia: The Politics and Philosophy of August Cieszkowski
Andrè Liebich (auth.), 1979