کتاب های Prof. Dr. H. Abdullah

Ali ibn al Husayn
Abdullah al Rabbat al Biqai
Islam in a secular state: Muslim activism in Singapore
Walid Jumblatt Abdullah, 2021
Metaphorical Imagination: Towards a Methodology for Implicit Evidence
Muhammad Tanweer Abdullah, 2016
What Did Jesus Really Say?
Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal Volume 1
Abu Abdullah Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Hanbal Ash-Shalbani
Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal Volume 2
Abu Abdullah Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Hanbal Ash-Shalbani
Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal Volume 3
Abu Abdullah Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Hanbal Ash-Shalbani
Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal Volume 1-3
Abu Abdullah Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Hanbal Ash-Shalbani
سفر: آداب اور دعائیں / Safar: Adaab Aur Dua'ain
عائشہ احسان، اُمِّ عبد اللہ / A'isha Ahsan, Umm'e Abdullah, 2014
Understanding West Africa’s Ebola Epidemic: Towards a Political Economy (Security and Society in Africa)
Ibrahim Abdullah (editor), Ismail Rashid (editor), 2017
Cases on Tour Guide Practices for Alternative Tourism
Ozlem Ozbek, Ceyhun Caglar Kilinc, Abdullah Tarinc, 2020
Gaddafi's Child Soldier
Abdullah Barka, 2013
My Dismissal
Farooq Abdullah; Sati Sahni, 1985
Sheikh-Sadiq Correspondence: Aug. to Oct. 1956
Mohammad Sheikh Abdullah; Mridula Sarabhai, 1958
To the Mountains: My Life in Jihad, from Algeria to Afghanistan
Abdullah Anas, 2019
The Kashmir Conspiracy Case
Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah; G. Rasool Kochak (compiler), 1959
Ölüme karşı hayat : Tarihin Psikanalitik Anlamı
Norman O. Brown; Abdullah Yılmaz, 1996
650 Idioms and Proverbial Phrases in Modern Standard Arabic: For Intermediate to Advanced Students
Lamia Jamal-Aldin, Abdullah Hammadi, 2021
Issues the Muslim Woman Should Concern Herself With
Shaykh Abdullah bin Jar Allāh al-Jar Allāh
Authentic Dream Interpretations from the Works of Ibn al-Qayyim and al-Baghawi explained
Shaykh Abdullāh bin Jaru Allāh
The Delight of Faith
Shaykh Abdullah bin Jarullah al-Jarullah
The Beneficial Elementary Principles in the Terminology of Hadith
Shaykh Abdullah ibn Ahmad al-Iryaani