کتاب های Prof. Dr. H. J. Stan

68000, 68010, 68020 Primer
Stan Kelly-Bootle, 1985
A Handbook for Doctoral Supervisors
Stan Taylor, 2005
Post-Communist Romania at Twenty-Five: Linking Past, Present, and Future
Lavinia Stan, 2015
Blutjagd. Roman (Die Orks - Band 3)
Stan Nicholls, 2011
Direkteinspritzsysteme für Otto- und Dieselmotoren
Proffesor Dr.-Ing. habil Cornel Stan (auth.), 1999
How to draw comics. Marvel way
Stan Lee, 1984
Artificial minds
Stan Franklin, 1995
Artificial minds
Stan Franklin., 1995.
Artificial minds
Stan Franklin, 1995
Soft Computing Agents: New Trends for Designing Autonomous Systems
Stan Franklin (auth.), 2001
Stan Shiels on Centrifugal Pumps. Collected articles from “World Pumps” magazine
Stan Shiels (Auth.)
Stan Shiels on Centrifugal Pumps. Collected articles from “World Pumps” magazine
Stan Shiels (Auth.), 2004
Handbook of remote biometrics: for surveillance and security
Stan Z. Li, 2009
Handbook of Remote Biometrics: for Surveillance and Security
Stan Z. Li, 2009
d20 Modern Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook
Stan!, 2002
Applied Pharmacology
Stan Bardal, 2010
How To Draw Comics The Marvel Way
Stan Lee, 2008
Teach Yourself Electricity And Electronics
Stan Gibilisco
Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics
Stan Gibilisco, 2001
Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics
Stan Gibilisco, 2001
Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics
Stan Gibilisco, 2001
Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics
Stan Gibilisco, 2001
The Big Honey Hunt
Stan Berenstain, 2010