کتاب های Prof. Dr. Kurt Lenz

Extremophiles Handbook
Prof. Koki Horikoshi, 2011
A Systems Biology Approach to Study Metabolic Syndrome
Prof. Antonio Vidal-Puig MD, 2014
Rotational Isomeric State Models in Macromolecular Systems
Prof. Akihiro Abe, 1997
Entzündliche Augenerkrankungen
Ojan Assadian Prof. Dr. med., 2014
Hemifacial Spasm: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Prof. Philippe Mercier, 1997
Glaukom 2006: Eine Konsensus-Konferenz
Prof. Dr. G. K. Krieglstein (auth.), 2007
Glaukom 2009: »Eine moderne Glaukom-Sprechstunde«
Prof. Dr. T. S. Dietlein (auth.), 2010
Fortschritte der Chemie Organischer Naturstoffe / Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products
Prof. Dr. C. W. J. Chang, 1979
The Water Framework Directive: Ecological and Chemical Status Monitoring (Water Quality Measurements)
Prof. Philippe Quevauviller, 2008
Perspektiven des Strategischen Controllings: Festschrift für Professor Dr. Ulrich Krystek
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Weber (auth.), 2010
Bildlexikon der Dermatologie
Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer, 1995
Modeling, Control and Implementation of Smart Structures: A FEM-State Space Approach
Prof. B. Bandyopadhyay, 2007
Modeling, Control and Implementation of Smart Structures: A FEM-State Space Approach
Prof. B. Bandyopadhyay, 2007
Eine „Summa Medicinae“ bei Avicenna: Zur Krankheitslehre und Heilkunde des Ibn Sina (980–1037)
Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Dr. h. c. Heinrich Schipperges (auth.), 1987
Body Language in Business: Decoding the Signals
Prof. Adrian Furnham, 2010
Algebraische Topologie
Prof. Dr. Karl Heinz Mayer (auth.), 1989
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Bischofsberger, 2005
Compiler Construction: An Advanced Course
Prof. Dr. F. L. Bauer, 1974
Anleitung zur Untersuchung der Rohmaterialien, Produkte, Nebenprodukte und Hilfssubstanzen der Zuckerindustrie
Prof. Dr. R. Frühling’s (auth.), 1916
Gruppen und Teamorganisation: Managementforschung 18
Prof. Dr. Heiner Evanschitzky, 2008
Management Intelligence: Sense and Nonsense for the Successful Manager
Prof. Adrian Furnham, 2008
High Temperature Plasmas: Theory and Mathematical Tools for Laser and Fusion Plasmas
Prof. Karl?Heinz Spatschek(auth.), 2011
Algorithms in Modern Mathematics and Computer Science: Proceedings, Urgench, Uzbek SSR September 16–22, 1979
Prof. Dr. Heinz Zemanek (auth.), 1981
Algorithms in Modern Mathematics and Computer Science: Proceedings, Urgench, Uzbek SSR September 16–22, 1979
Prof. Dr. Heinz Zemanek (auth.), 1981