کتاب های Prof. Michele Cini (auth.)

Surviving an Eating Disorder, Third Edition: Strategies for Family and Friends
Michele Siegel, 2009
More Than Meatballs: From Arancini to Zucchini Fritters and Everything in Between
Michele Anna Jordan, 2014
Secrets of the Zodiac
Michele Finey, 2009
One Money for Europe
Michele Fratianni, 1978
Reading External Data Files Using SAS: Examples Handbook
Michele M. Burlew, 2002
Institutional Competition between Common Law and Civil Law: Theory and Policy
Michèle Schmiegelow, 2014
Biology for a Changing World
Michèle Shuster, 2011
Proximites : Lien, accompagnement et soin
Michele Clement, 2009
Palgrave Advances in International Environmental Politics
Michele Betsill, 2005
Palgrave Advances in International Environmental Politics
Michele Betsill, 2005
Palgrave Advances in International Environmental Politics
Michele Betsill, 2005
Palgrave Advances in International Environmental Politics
Michele M. Betsill, 2006
How Professors Think: Inside the Curious World of Academic Judgment
Michele Lamont, 2009
The Gravity Field of the Earth from Classical and Modern Methods
Michele Caputo (Eds.), 1967
Symplectic geometry of integrable Hamiltonian systems
Michèle Audin, 2003
Symplectic Geometry of Integrable Hamiltonian Systems
Michèle Audin, 2003
Vieillir en milieu d'hebergement : Le regard des residents
Michele Charpentier
I closed my eyes: revelations of a battered woman
Michele Weldon, 1999