کتاب های Prof. Ping Wang

Bioclimatology and Natural Hazards
J. Bartholy, R. Pongrácz, Gy. Gelybó, A. Kern (auth.), Ass. Prof. Dr. Katarína Střelcová, Prof. Dr. Csaba Mátyás, Dr. Axel Kleidon, Prof. Dr. Milan Lapin, Dr. František Matejka, Dr. Miroslav Blaženec, Prof. Dr. Jaroslav à kvarenina, Prof. Dr. Ján Holécy (eds.), 2009
Acute Leukemias VII: Experimental Approaches and Novel Therapies
J. Thomale, M. R. Müller, C. Buschfort, S. Seeber, M. F. Rajewsky (auth.), Prof. Dr. W. Hiddemann, Prof. Dr. T. Büchner, Prof. Doz. Dr. B. Wörmann, Prof. Dr. J. Ritter, Prof. Doz. Dr. U. Creutzig, M. Keating MD PhD, W. Plunkett MD PhD (eds.), 1998
Acute Leukemias: Pharmacokinetics and Management of Relapsed and Refractory Disease
A. F. List, C. M. Spier, W. S. Dalton (auth.), Prof. Dr. W. Hiddemann, Prof. Dr. T. Büchner, Priv. Doz. Dr. B. Wörmann, Prof. Dr. W. Plunkett, Prof. Dr. M. Keating, Prof. Dr. M. Andreeff (eds.), 1992
Struma maligna: Derzeitiger Stand in Diagnose und Therapie
W. Langsteger, P. Költringer, W. Buchinger, Karin Dominik, G. Binter, O. Eber (auth.), Univ.-Doz. Dr. Wolfgang Pimpl, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Günther Galvan, Univ.-Prof. Dr. H. Dieter Kogelnik, Prim. Dr. Dieter Manfreda, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bruno Niederle, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Schlag, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Waclawiczek (eds.), 1993
Die Bestandteile der Lebensmittel
Dr. Ernstgeorg Hanssen, Willi Wendt (auth.), Prof. Dr. Ernst Bayer, Priv.-Doz. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Dieter Belitz, Priv.-Doz. Dr. phil. Georg Benedikt Brubacher, Prof. Dr. phil. Dr.-Ing. Willibald Diemair, Priv.-Doz. Dr. rer. nat. Horst Endres, Dr.-Ing. Werner Grosch, Prof. Dr. Reiner Hamm, Dr. rer. nat. Ernstgeorg Hanssen, Dr. phil. Werner Hausheer, Dr.rer. nat. habil. Karl Herrmann, Prof. Dr. sc. nat. Otto Högl, Dipl.-Ing. Gerd Huschke, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Almuth Klemer, Dr. rer. nat. Roderich König,, 1965
Stratabound Ore Deposits in the Andes
J. Frutos (auth.), Prof. Dr. Lluís Fontboté, Prof. Dr. G. Christian Amstutz, Prof. Dr. Miguel Cardozo, Prof. Dr. Esteban Cedillo, Prof. Dr. José Frutos (eds.), 1990
A Second Generation PACS Concept: Hospital Integrated Picture Archiving and Communication Systems
F. P. Ottes, A. R. Bakker, J. M. L. Kouwenberg (auth.), Prof. Dr. Michel Osteaux, A. R. Bakker Prof. Eng., D. Bell Prof. Eng., R. Mattheus M. Sc., D. Meyer-Ebrecht Prof. Eng., Ph.D., S. Orphanoudakis Prof. Ph.D., R. Van de Velde Eng., Th. Wendler Ph.D. (eds.), 1992
Die Internet-Ökonomie: Strategien für die digitale Wirtschaft
Prof. Dr. Axel Zerdick, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Arnold Picot, Prof. Dr. Klaus Schrape, Dipl.-Kfm. M.A. Alexander Artopé, Dr. Klaus Goldhammer, Dr. Ulrich Lange, Dipl.-Kfm. Eckart Vierkant, Prof. Dr. Esteban López-Escobar, Prof. Roger Silverstone PhD (auth.), 1999
E-Conomics: Strategies for the Digital Marketplace
Prof. Dr. Axel Zerdick, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Arnold Picot, Prof. Dr. Klaus Schrape, Alexander Artopé Dipl.-Kfm. M.A., Dr. Klaus Goldhammer, Dr. Ulrich T. Lange, Eckart Vierkant Dipl.-Kfm., Prof. Dr. Esteban López-Escobar, Prof., PhD Roger Silverstone (auth.), 2000
Chromatographic Fingerprint Analysis of Herbal Medicines: Thin-layer and High Performance Liquid Chromatography of Chinese Drugs
Prof.em.Dr.Dr.h.c.mult. Hildebert Wagner (auth.), Prof.em.Dr.Dr.h.c.mult. Hildebert Wagner, Prof. Dr. Rudolf Bauer, Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Dieter Melchart, Prof. Pei-Gen Xiao, Dipl.Kfm. Anton Staudinger (eds.), 2011
A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence: Vol. 9: A History of the Philosophy of Law in the Civil Law World, 1600-1900; Vol. 10: The Philosophers’ Philosophy of Law from the Seventeenth Century to our Days
Merio Scattola (auth.), Prof. Enrico Pattaro, Prof. Damiano Canale, Prof. Paolo Grossi, Prof. Hasso Hofmann, Prof. Patrick Riley (eds.), 2009
TUS ve YDUS için Dahiliye Konu Kitabı 2 Cilt
Prof. Dr.Abdurrahman KADAYIFÇI Prof.Dr.Ali KOŞAR Prof.Dr.Mehmet Akif ÖZTÜRK Prof.Dr.Volkan ÖZGÜVEN Prof.Dr.Zekaver ODABAŞI Doç.Dr.Cem RAZİ Doç.Dr.Yalçın SOLAK Uz.Dr.Erdinç NAYİR Uz.Dr.Hüseyin ARIKAN Uz.Dr.Kadir KARIŞMAZ Uz.Dr.Özgür KIRBAŞ Uz.Dr.Serkan KARAHAN, 2017
Prof. Dr. Işın B. KULAKSIZOĞLU, Prof. Dr. Raflit TÜKEL, Prof. Dr. Alp ÜÇOK, Prof. Dr. İlhan YARGIÇ, Prof. Dr. Olcay YAZICI, Temmuz 2009
EuroComRom - Die sieben Siebe - Romanische Sprachen sofort lesen können
Prof. Dr. Horst G. Klein, Prof. Dr. Franz-Joseph Meißner, Prof. Dr. Claudia Polzin-Haumann, Prof. Dr. Tilbert D. Stegmann, Prof. Dr. Lew N. Zybatow Frankfurt, 2000
Radiological Exploration of the Ventricles and Subarachnoid Space
Prof. Giovanni Ruggiero, Prof. Jacques Bories, Prof. Alberto Calabrò, Dr. Gianfranco Cristi, Dr. Giuseppe Scialfa, Prof. Francesco Smaltino, Prof. André Thibaut (auth.), 1974
Biomedical Sensors and Measurement
Prof. Ping Wang, Dr. Qingjun Liu (auth.), 2011
Intelligent Multimedia Processing with Soft Computing
L. Guan, P. Muneesawang, J. Lay, T. Amin (auth.), Prof. Yap-Peng Tan, Prof. Kim Hui Yap, Prof. Lipo Wang (eds.), 2005
Time Granularities in Databases, Data Mining, and Temporal Reasoning
Prof. Dr. Claudio Bettini, Prof. Dr. Sushil Jajodia, Prof. Dr. X. Sean Wang (auth.), 2000
Electrochemistry of Flotation of Sulphide Minerals
Prof. Yuehua Hu, Prof. Wei Sun, Prof. Dianzuo Wang (auth.), 2009
RNA Technologies in Cardiovascular Medicine and Research
E. Wang (auth.), Prof. Dr. rer.nat Volker A. Erdmann, Prof. Dr. med Wolfgang Poller, Prof. Dr. hab. Jan Barciszewski (eds.), 2008
Electrical, Information Engineering and Mechatronics 2011: Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Electrical, Information Engineering and Mechatronics (EIEM 2011)
Huigang Xu, Benlian Xu, Fei Wang, Jihong Zhu (auth.), Xudong Wang, Fuzhong Wang, Shaobo Zhong (eds.), 2012
Advances in Web and Network Technologies, and Information Management: APWeb/WAIM 2009 International Workshops: WCMT 2009, RTBI 2009, DBIR-ENQOIR 2009, PAIS 2009, Suzhou, China, April 2-4, 2009, Revised Selected Papers
Yansong Zhang, Yanqin Xiao, Zhanwei Wang, Xiaodong Ji, Yunkui Huang, Shan Wang (auth.), Lei Chen, Chengfei Liu, Xiao Zhang, Shan Wang, Darijus Strasunskas, Stein L. Tomassen, Jinghai Rao, Wen-Syan Li, K. Selçuk Candan, Dickson K. W. Chiu, Yi Zhuang, Clarence A. Ellis, Kwang-Hoon Kim (eds.), 2009
Advances in Web and Network Technologies, and Information Management: APWeb/WAIM 2009 International Workshops: WCMT 2009, RTBI 2009, DBIR-ENQOIR 2009, PAIS 2009, Suzhou, China, April 2-4, 2009, Revised Selected Papers
Yansong Zhang, Yanqin Xiao, Zhanwei Wang, Xiaodong Ji, Yunkui Huang, Shan Wang (auth.), Lei Chen, Chengfei Liu, Xiao Zhang, Shan Wang, Darijus Strasunskas, Stein L. Tomassen, Jinghai Rao, Wen-Syan Li, K. Selçuk Candan, Dickson K. W. Chiu, Yi Zhuang, Clarence A. Ellis, Kwang-Hoon Kim (eds.), 2009
Emerging Research in Web Information Systems and Mining: International Conference, WISM 2011, Taiyuan, China, September 23-25, 2011. Proceedings
Hua Wang, Haiqing Cheng, Huakui Wang (auth.), Gong Zhiguo, Xiangfeng Luo, Junjie Chen, Fu Lee Wang, Jingsheng Lei (eds.), 2011