کتاب های Professor Bas Arts

Angewandte Elektrizitätslehre: Ein Leitfaden für das elektrische und elektrotechnische Praktikum
Professor Dr. Paul Eversheim (auth.), 1916
Atlas of Human Hemopoietic Development
Professor Dr. Endre Kelemen, 1979
Large Scale Dynamics of Interacting Particles
Professor Dr. Herbert Spohn (auth.), 1991
Air Pollution Control Equipment
Professor Dr.-Ing. Heinz Brauer, 1981
Active Glass for Photonic Devices: Photoinduced Structures and Their Application
Professor Kazuyuki Hirao, 2001
Anfallskrankheiten: Nomenklatur und Klassifikation der Epilepsien, der epileptischen Anfälle und anderer Anfallssyndrome
Professor Dr. Peter Wolf, 1987
Radioactivity and Pollution in the Nordic Seas and Arctic Region: Observations, Modeling, and Simulations
Professor Ola M. Johannessen, 2010
Radioactivity and Pollution in the Nordic Seas and Arctic Region: Observations, Modeling, and Simulations
Professor Ola M. Johannessen, 2010
In Lincoln's Shadow: The 1908 Race Riot in Springfield, Illinois
Associate Professor Roberta Senechal de la Roche PhD, 2008
Adaptive Control
Professor I. D. Landau, 1998
Evidence-Based Clinical Practice in Nursing and Health Care: Assimilating research, experience and expertise
Professor Alan Pearson, 2006
Classical and Quantum Dynamics: from Classical Paths to Path Integrals
Professor Dr. Walter Dittrich, 1992
Classical and Quantum Dynamics: from Classical Paths to Path Integrals
Professor Dr. Walter Dittrich, 1994
Lyme Borreliosis
Professor Allen C. Steere (auth.), 1994
Coherent Dynamics of Complex Quantum Systems
Professor Vladimir M. Akulin (auth.), 2006
Complex Systems: Chaos and Beyond: A Constructive Approach with Applications in Life Sciences
Professor Kunihiko Kaneko, 2001
Chaos for Engineers: Theory, Applications, and Control
Professor Tomasz Kapitaniak (auth.), 1998
Chaos for Engineers: Theory, Applications, and Control
Professor Tomasz Kapitaniak (auth.), 2000
Achtundzwanzigste Versammlung Abgehalten zu Bad Pyrmont vom 4. bis 8. April 1951: Wissenschaftlicher Teil
Professor H. Martius (auth.), 1951
Konstitution und Vererbung in ihren Beziehungen zur Pathologie
Professor Dr. Friedrich Martius (auth.), 1914
A Beginner's Guide to Training in Counselling & Psychotherapy
Professor Robert Bor, 2001
Betriebswirtschaftliche Systemtheorie: Regelungstheoretische Planungs-Überwachungsmodelle für Produktion, Lagerung und Absatz
Jörg Baetge Professor Dr. rer. pol. (auth.), 1974
Dynamics of Hierarchical Systems: An Evolutionary Approach
Professor Dr. John S. Nicolis (auth.), 1986