کتاب های Professor Dr. Hans Mohr (auth.)

1. Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Intraokularlinsen Implantation: 6. bis 7. März 1987, Gießen
Karl W. Jacobi (auth.), Professor Dr. med. K. W. Jacobi, Dr. med. K. Schott, Professor Dr. med. B. Gloor (eds.), 1988
4. Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Intraokularlinsen Implantation: 6. bis 7. April 1990, Essen
Heinz Freyler (auth.), Dr. med. K. Schott, Professor Dr. med. K. W. Jacobi, Professor Dr. med. H. Freyler (eds.), 1991
Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty and Intracoronary Thrombolysis: Coronary Heart Disease IV
A. Grüntzig (auth.), Professor Dr. Martin Kaltenbach, Andreas Roland Grüntzig M.D., Klaus Peter Rentrop M.D., Professor Dr. Wulf-Dirk Bussmann (eds.), 1982
Conflicts and Cooperation in Managing Environmental Resources
Professor Dr. Rüdiger Pethig (auth.), Professor Dr. Rüdiger Pethig (eds.), 1992
Evolutionary Aesthetics
Karl Grammer, Eckart Voland (auth.), Professor Dr. Eckart Voland, Professor Dr. Karl Grammer (eds.), 2003
Analytical Supercritical Fluid Extraction
Professor Maria Dolores Luque de Castro, Professor Dr. Miguel Valcárcel, Dr. Maria Teresa Tena (auth.), 1994
Computational Aspects of General Equilibrium Theory: Refutable Theories of Value
Professor Donald Brown, Professor Felix Kubler (auth.), 2008
Computational Aspects of General Equilibrium Theory: Refutable Theories of Value
Professor Donald Brown, Professor Felix Kubler (auth.), 2008
Computational Aspects of General Equilibrium Theory: Refutable Theories of Value
Professor Donald Brown, Professor Felix Kubler (auth.), 2008
Synergetic Phenomena in Active Lattices: Patterns, Waves, Solitons, Chaos
Professor Vladimir I. Nekorkin, Professor Manuel G. Velarde (auth.), 2002
Operations Research Models in Quantitative Finance: Proceedings of the XIII Meeting EURO Working Group for Financial Modeling University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
David F. Babbel, Robert Stricker, Irwin T. Vanderhoof (auth.), Professor Rita L. D’Ecclesia, Professor Stavros A. Zenios (eds.), 1994
Seasonal Climate: Forecasting and Managing Risk
Dr. Alberto Troccoli, Dr. Mike Harrison, Professor David L. T. Anderson (auth.), Dr. Alberto Troccoli, Dr. Mike Harrison, Professor David L. T. Anderson, Dr. Simon J. Mason (eds.), 2008
Emil du Bois-Reymond (1818–1896) Anton Dohrn (1840–1909): Briefwechsel
Christiane Groeben M.A. (auth.), Christiane Groeben M.A., Professor Dr. Klaus Hierholzer, Professor Dr. Ernst Florey (eds.), 1985
Epitaxy of Nanostructures
Dr. Vitaly A. Shchukin, Professor Nikolai N. Ledentsov, Professor Dieter Bimberg (auth.), 2004
Present and Future of High-Energy Physics: Proceedings of the 5th Nishinomiya-Yukawa Memorial Symposium on Theoretical Physics, Nishinomiya City, Japan, October 25–26, 1990
Y. Watanabe (auth.), Professor Dr. Ken-Ichi Aoki, Professor Dr. Makoto Kobayashi (eds.), 1992
Fundamentals of Statistics with Fuzzy Data
Professor Hung T. Nguyen, Professor Berlin Wu (auth.), 2006
Praxis der Spermatologie: Atlas und Anleitung
Professor Dr. Gerd Ludwig, Professor Dr. Julian Frick, Universitäts-Dozent Dr. Erwin Rovan (auth.), 1996
Spermatology: Atlas and Manual
Professor Dr. Gerd Ludwig, Professor Dr. Julian Frick (auth.), 1990
Cancer Chemo- and Immunopharmacology: 1. Chemopharmacology
F. M. Muggia, J. Henney, V. DeVita Jr. (auth.), Professor Georges Mathé, Professor Franco M. Muggia (eds.), 1980
Cancer Chemo- and Immunopharmacology: 2: Immunopharmacology, Relations, and General Problems
M. Pfreundschuh, H. Shiku, T. Takahashi, R. Ueda (auth.), Professor Georges Mathé, Professor Franco M. Muggia (eds.), 1980
Lehrbuch der Pharmakognosie und Phytopharmazie
Professor Dr. Ernst Steinegger, Professor Dr. Rudolf Hänsel (auth.), 1988
Lehrbuch der pharmazeutischen Biologie: Ein Lehrbuch für Studenten der Pharmazie im zweiten Ausbildungsabschnitt
Dr. rer. nat. Rudolf Hänsel, Professor Dr. rer. nat. Josef Hölzl (auth.), Dr. rer. nat. Rudolf Hänsel, Professor Dr. rer. nat. Josef Hölzl (eds.), 1996
Pharmakognosie — Phytopharmazie
Professor Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, Professor Dr. Otto Sticher, E. Steinegger (auth.), 1999
Pharmazeutische Biologie: Molekulare Grundlagen und klinische Anwendung
Professor Dr. Theodor Dingermann, Professor Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, Dr. Ilse Zündorf (auth.), 2002