کتاب های Professor Dr. Med. Hans Haas (auth.)

Fortschritte der Botanik: Im Zusammenwirken mit den botanischen Gesellschaften von Danemark, Israel, den Niederlanden und der Schweiz sowie der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft
Professor Dr. Lothar Geitler, Professor Dr. Elisabeth Tschermak-Woess (auth.), Heinz Ellenberg, Karl Esser, Hermann Merxmüller, Peter Sitte, Hubert Ziegler (eds.), 1969
Progress in Botany / Fortschritte der Botanik: Morphology · Physiology · Genetics · Taxonomy · Geobotany / Morphologie · Physiologie · Genetik · Systematik · Geobotanik
Professor Dr. Werner W. Franke, Professor Dr. D. James Morré, Dr. Heide Zerban (auth.), Heinz Ellenberg, Karl Esser, Hermann Merxmüller, Eberhard Schnepf, Hubert Ziegler (eds.), 1976
Progress in Botany / Fortschritte der Botanik: Morphology · Physiology · Genetics · Taxonomy · Geobotany / Morphologie · Physiologie · Genetik · Systematik · Geobotanik
Professor Dr. K. V. Kowallik, Professor Dr. R. G. Herrmann (auth.), Heinz Ellenberg, Karl Esser, Hermann Merxmüller, Eberhard Schnepf, Hubert Ziegler (eds.), 1977
Progress in Botany/Fortschritte der Botanik: Morphology · Physiology · Genetics Taxonomy · Geobotany/Morphologie · Physiologie · Genetik Systematik · Geobotanik
Professor Dr. Eberhard Schnepf, Dr. Werner Herth, Professor Dr. Gerhart Drews (auth.), Heinz Ellenberg, Karl Esser, Hermann Merxmüller, Eberhard Schnepf, Hubert Ziegler (eds.), 1978
Industrielle Produktionswirtschaft
Prof. Egon Walther (auth.), Professor Dr. Günter Ebert, Diplom-Volkswirt Dieter Klause, Professor Dr. Eduard Mändle (eds.), 1979
Self-Organized Morphology in Nanostructured Materials
H. -G. Rubahn (auth.), Professor Dr. Katharina Al-Shamery, Professor Jürgen Parisi (eds.), 2008
Self-Organized Morphology in Nanostructured Materials
H. -G. Rubahn (auth.), Professor Dr. Katharina Al-Shamery, Professor Jürgen Parisi (eds.), 2008
Biosynthesis, Metabolism and Mode of Action of Invertebrate Hormones
H. C. Schaller, S. Hoffmeister, H. Bodenmüller (auth.), Professor Dr. Jules Hoffmann, Professor Maurice Porchet (eds.), 1984
Natural and Synthetic High Polymers: Lectures Presented at the Seventh Colloquium on NMR Spectroscopy
F. A. Bovey (auth.), Professor Dr. P. Diehl, Professor Dr. E. Fluck, Dozent Dr. R. Kosfeld (eds.), 1971
NMR Basic Principles and Progress / Grundlagen und Fortschritte
P. Diehl (auth.), Professor Dr. P. Diehl, Professor Dr. E. Fluck, Dozent Dr. R. Kosfeld (eds.), 1969
Betriebsmeßtechnik in der Textilerzeugung und -veredlung
D. Knittel, M. Beier, E. A. Hemmer (auth.), Professor Dr. Eckhard Schollmeyer, Priv. Doz. Dr. Dierk Knittel, Professor Dr. Ernst Arnold Hemmer (eds.), 1988
3D-Groundwater Modeling with PMWIN: A Simulation System for Modeling Groundwater Flow and Pollution
Professor Dr.-Ing. Wen-Hsing Chiang, Professor Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Kinzelbach (auth.), 2003
Global Change and Regional Impacts: Water Availability and Vulnerability of Ecosystems and Society in the Semiarid Northeast of Brazil
Thomas Gaiser, Luiz.G. R. Ferreira, Karl Stahr (auth.), Dr. Thomas Gaiser, Dr. Maarten Krol, Professor Horst Frischkorn, Professor Jose C. de Araújo (eds.), 2003
Industrieforschung in den neuen Bundesländern
Professor Dr. Franz Pleschak, Professor Dr. Michael Fritsch, Dipl.-Kaufmann Frank Stummer (auth.), 2000
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Boron Compounds
Professor Dr. Heinrich Nöth (auth.), Professor Dr. Heinrich Nöth, Dr. Bernd Wrackmeyer (eds.), 1978
Artificial Intelligence and Dynamic Systems for Geophysical Applications
Professor Dr. Alexei Gvishiani, Professor Dr. Jacques Octave Dubois (auth.), 2002
Antibacterial Therapy: Achievements, Problems and Future Perspectives
F. H. Kayser (auth.), Professor Dr. W.-D. Busse, Professor Dr. H. Labischinski, Dr. H.-J. Zeiler (eds.), 1997
A Coastal Marine Ecosystem: Simulation and Analysis
Professor Dr. James N. Kremer, Professor Dr. Scott W. Nixon (auth.), 1978
Topics in Topicals: Current Trends in the Formulation of Topical Agents
Professor Ronald Marks (auth.), Professor Ronald Marks (eds.), 1985
Calcium and Calcium Binding Proteins: Molecular and Functional Aspects
S. Cockcroft (auth.), Dr. Charles Gerday, Professor Dr. L. Bolis, Professor Dr. R. Gilles (eds.), 1988
X-Ray Diffraction by Disordered Lamellar Structures: Theory and Applications to Microdivided Silicates and Carbons
Professor Victor A. Drits, Professor Cyril Tchoubar (auth.), 1990
Advanced Gate Stacks for High-Mobility Semiconductors
S. Takagi (auth.), Dr. Athanasios Dimoulas, Evgeni Gusev, Professor Paul C. McIntyre, Professor Marc Heyns (eds.), 2007
Applied Soil Physics: Soil Water and Temperature Applications
Professor Ronald J. Hanks, Professor Gaylen L. Ashcroft (auth.), 1983
Chinesisch — Sprachkurs für Medizin und Alltag: Band 2: Einführung in den Sprachaufbau
Professor Dr. Paul U. Unschuld, Professor Zheng Jinsheng (auth.), 2002