کتاب های Professor Rob Kaas

Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy of Gastrointestinal Tumors
P. J. Klein, R. Osmers, M. Vierbuchen (auth.), Professor Dr. Hans Otto Klein (eds.), 1981
The Creating Word: Papers from an International Conference on the Learning and Teaching of English in the 1980s
Professor Patricia Demers FRSC, 1986
Sandostatin® in the Treatment of Acromegaly: Consensus Round Table, Amsterdam 1987
M. O. Thorner, M. L. Hartman, M. L. Vance (auth.), Professor Steven W. J. Lamberts M.D. (eds.), 1988
(S)-Ketamin: Aktuelle interdisziplinäre Aspekte
S. Diwo, G. Petroianu (auth.), Professor Dr. Roderich Klose, Dr. Uwe Hoppe (eds.), 2002
105. Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie München, 6.–9. April 1988: Langenbecks Archiv für Chirurgie vereinigt mit Bruns’ Beiträge für Klinische Chirurgie Supplement 1988
Priv.Doz. Th. Karavias, I. Roots, M. Korge, S. Schütze, H. Loch, Prof. Dr. R. Häring (auth.), Professor Dr. Christian Herfarth, Prof. Dr. K. H. Schriefers, Prof. Dr. K. Meßmer, Prof. Dr. M. Schwaiger (eds.), 1988
Neurologische Intensivmedizin
G. F. Hamann, W. Müllges (auth.), Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Stefan Schwab, Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Derk Krieger, Dr. med. Wolfgang Müllges, Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Gerhard Hamann, Professor Dr. med. Werner Hacke (eds.), 1999
Bausteine des Tierkörpers II: Erster Bandteil
Dr. rer. nat. Johannes Meienhofer, Professor Dr.-Ing. Helmut Zahn (auth.), E. Bayer, H.-J. Bielig, G. Blix, H. Dörfel, K. Felix, F. G. Fischer, S. Gardell, W. Grab, R. G. Haber, E. Habermann, K. Hannig, F. Haurowitz, W. E. van Heyningen, J. Kimmig, J. Meienhofer, R. Michel, W. Neumann, I. Pendl, J. Roche, H. Schmid, G. Schmidt, W. Siedel, R. Wehrmann, H. Zahn (eds.), 1960
Becoming Virtual: Knowledge Management and Transformation of the Distributed Organization
Dr. Paul D. Jackson (auth.), Professor Jane E. Klobas (eds.), 2008
Theories of Populations in Biological Communities
Dr. Feddy B. Christiansen, Professor Tom M. Fenchel (auth.), 1977
Industrial Applications
M. Jakobsen, M. D. Cantor, L. Jespersen (auth.), Professor Dr. Heinz D. Osiewacz (eds.), 2002
An Ancient Commentary on the Book of Revelation: A Critical Edition of the Scholia in Apocalypsin
Professor P. Tzamalikos, 2014
Angewandte Statistik mit SPSS: Praktische Einfuhrung fur Wirtschaftswissenschaftler
Professor Dr. Peter P. Eckstein (auth.), 2004
Existential Counselling & Psychotherapy in Practice
Professor Emmy van Deurzen, 2002
Grand Central Terminal: Railroads, Engineering, and Architecture in New York City
Professor Kurt C. Schlichting PhD, 2001
Handbuch Facility Management für Immobilienunternehmen
Professor Dr. rer. pol. Michaela Hellerforth (auth.), 2006
A Short Introduction to Climate Change
Professor Tony Eggleton, 2012
Organizational Myopia: Problems of Rationality and Foresight in Organizations
Professor Maurizio Catino, 2013
Global Climatology and Ecodynamics: Anthropogenic Changes to Planet Earth
Professor Arthur P. Cracknell, 2009
Aerodynamics of a Lifting System in Extreme Ground Effect
Professor Kirill V. Rozhdestvensky (auth.), 2000
Theory of Bridge Aerodynamics
Professor Dr. Einar N. Strømmen (auth.), 2006
Arguments of Augustan Wit (Cambridge Studies in Eighteenth-Century English Literature and Thought)
Professor John Sitter, 2007
Interactionism (BSA New Horizons in Sociology)
Professor Paul A. Atkinson, 2003
International Clinical Sociology
Professor Jan Marie Fritz Ph.D (auth.), 2008
American Empire: The Realities and Consequences of U.S. Diplomacy
Professor Andrew J. Bacevich, 2004