کتاب های R Blum

Foundations Of Data Science
Avrim Blum, John Hopcroft, Ravindran Kannan, 2020
LPI Linux Essentials Study Guide: Exam 010 v1.6
Christine Bresnahan, Richard Blum, 2020
LPI Linux Essentials Study Guide: Exam 010 v1.6
Christine Bresnahan, Richard Blum, 2020
The Austro-Marxists 1890--1918 : a Psychobiographical Study.
Mark E. Blum, 2015
Exploring Arduino : tools and techniques for engineering wizardry
Jeremy Blum, 2020
Joe Tumulty and the Wilson Era
John Mortan Blum, 1951
V Was for Victory: Politics and American Culture During World War II
John Morton Blum, 1977
LPI Linux Essentials Study Guide: Exam 010 v1.6
Christine Bresnahan; Richard Blum, 2020
Exploring Arduino: Tools and Techniques for Engineering Wizardry
Jeremy Blum, 2019
Linux For Dummies
Richard Blum, 2020
Andrew Blum, 2012
The Moody Handbook of Messianic Prophecy: Studies and Expositions of the Messiah in the Old Testament
Michael Rydelnik, Edwin Blum, 2019
Children's Peer Talk: Learning from Each Other
Asta Cekaite, Shoshana Blum-Kulka, Vibeke Grøver, Eva Teubal, 2014
Extracellular Matrix Omics
Sylvie Ricard-Blum, 2021
Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible
Richard Blum; Christine Bresnahan, 2021
Reforging the White Republic: Race, Religion, and American Nationalism, 1865-1898
Edward J. Blum, T. Michael Parrish, 2005
Linux For Dummies
Richard Blum, 2020
Studien zur Komposition des Pentateuch
Erhard Blum, 1990
Essentials of Soil Science: Soil Formation, Functions, use and Classification (World Reference Base, WRB)
Winfried E. H. Blum, Peter Schad, Stephen Nortcliff, 2018