کتاب های R. Balakrishnan

Optimization Techniques IFIP Technical Conference Novosibirsk, July 1–7, 1974
A. V. Balakrishnan (auth.), 1975
Introductory discrete mathematics
Balakrishnan V.K., 2010
Kalman filtering theory
A. V Balakrishnan, 1984
Kalman filtering theory
Balakrishnan A.V.
Managerial Accounting
Ramji Balakrishnan, 2008
Constructive Aspects of Functional Analysis
A. V. Balakrishnan (auth.), 2011
Debating Empire (New Left Review Debates)
Gopal Balakrishnan, 2003
El desarrollo internacional desde abajo: el desarrollo, los movimientos sociales y la resistencia del Tercer mundo
Introductory Discrete Mathematics
V. K . Balakrishnan, 2010
Optimization Techniques IFIP Technical Conference Novosibirsk, July 1–7, 1974
A. V. Balakrishnan (auth.), 1975
Optimization Techniques IFIP Technical Conference: Novosibirsk, July 1–7, 1974
A. V. Balakrishnan (auth.), 1975
Optimization Techniques: Proceedings of the 9th IFIP Conference on Optimization Techniques Warsaw, September 4–8, 1979
A. V. Balakrishnan (auth.), 1980
Progressive Censoring: Theory, Methods, and Applications
N. Balakrishnan, 2000
Stochastic Differential Systems I: Filtering and Control A Function Space Approach
Dr. A. V. Balakrishnan (auth.), 1973
Прикладной функциональный анализ
Балакришнан А.В. (Balakrishnan A.V.), 1980
Теория фильтрации Калмана
Балакришнан А.В. (Balakrishnan), 1988
Symposium On Optimization
Balakrishnan A. V. (Ed), 2008
Symposium on Optimization
A. V. Balakrishnan, 1970
System Modeling and Optimization: Proceedings of the 21st IFIP TC7 Conference held in July 21st–25th, 2003, Sophia Antipolis, France
A. V. Balakrishnan (auth.), 2005
The Art of Progressive Censoring: Applications to Reliability and Quality
N. Balakrishnan, 2014
Applied functional analysis
Balakrishnan A.V., 1981
Advanced QoS for multi-service IP/MPLS networks
Balakrishnan, Ram, 2008