کتاب های R. Barton Palmer

Cycles, Sequels, Spin-offs, Remakes, and Reboots: Multiplicities in Film and Television
Amanda Ann Klein, R. Barton Palmer (eds.), 2016
19th century american fiction on screen
R. Barton Palmer, 2007
Hitchcock at the Source: The Auteur As Adapter
R. Barton Palmer, 2011
Hollywood's Tennessee: The Williams Films and Postwar America
R. Barton Palmer, 2009
Joel and Ethan Coen (Contemporary Film Directors)
R. Barton Palmer, 2004
The Philosophy of Steven Soderbergh
Edited by R. Barton Palmer, 2010
Twentieth-Century American Fiction on Screen
R. Barton Palmer, 2007
Screening Modern Irish Fiction and Drama
R. Barton Palmer, Marc C. Conner (eds.), 2016
Thinking in the Dark: Cinema, Theory, Practice
Murray Pomerance; R. Barton Palmer; Jeremy Blatter; Tom Gunning; Steven Woodward; Johannes von Moltke; Colin Williamson; Sarah Keller; Matthew Solomon; Dominic Lennard; Nathan Holmes; William Brown; William Rothman; Dudley Andrew; Will Scheibel; Daniel Morgan; Tom Conley; Steven Rybin; Alex Clayton; Gilberto Pérez; Jonah Corne; Kristen Hatch, 2015
Rule, Britannia!: The Biopic and British National Identity
Homer B. Pettey; R. Barton Palmer, 2018
Hitchcock's Moral Gaze
R. Barton Palmer, Homer B. Pettey, Steven M. Sanders, 2018
French literature on screen
Homer B. Pettey (editor), R. Barton Palmer (editor), 2019
Film Noir
Homer B. Pettey, R. Barton Palmer, 2014
Hollywood's Tennessee: The Williams Films and Postwar America
R. Barton Palmer, William Robert Bray, 2009
Larger Than Life: Movie Stars of the 1950s
R. Barton Palmer, 2010