کتاب های R. Douglas Hurt

Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers
Douglas C. Montgomery, George C. Runger, 2003
Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers
Douglas C. Montgomery, George C. Runger, 2002
Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers (Solution)
Douglas C Montgomery, George C. Runger
Applied Statistics And Probability For Engineers solution
Douglas C. Montgomery, George C. Runger, 2002
Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers. Student Solutions Manual
Douglas C. Montgomery, George C. Runger, 2002
Localization of toeplitz operators
Douglas R. G.
Introduction to Modern Portfolio Optimization with NuOPT S PLUS and S+Bayes
Bernd Scherer, R. Douglas Martin, 2007
Introduction to Modern Portfolio Optimization with NuOPT, S-PLUS and S+Bayes
Bernd Scherer, R. Douglas Martin, 2005
Complex cobordism and stable homotopy groups of spheres
Douglas C. Ravenel, 2004
Peter Barnes, John R. Britton, Gordon Christie, Graham Devereux, J. Graham Douglas, Daryl Freeman, J, 2007
Evidence-Based Obstetric Anesthesia
Stephen H. Halpern, M. Joanne Douglas, 2005
Obstetric Anesthesia and Uncommon Disorders
David R. Gambling, M. Joanne Douglas, Robert S. F. McKay, 2008
Obstetric Anesthesia and Uncommon Disorders, 2nd Edition
David R. Gambling, M. Joanne Douglas, Robert S. F. McKay, 2008
Back to Life, Back to Normality: Cognitive Therapy, Recovery and Psychosis (Cambridge Clinical Guides)
Douglas Turkington, David Kingdon, Shanaya Rathod, Sarah K. J. Wilcock, Alison Brabban, Paul Cromarty, Robert Dudley, Richard Gray, Jeremy Pelton, Ron Siddle, Peter Weiden, 2009
EMQs For Dentistry
Douglas Hammond, 2011
DNA Vaccines - Methods And Protocols (Methods in Molecular Medicine)
Douglas B. Lowrie (Editor), Robert G. Whalen (Editor), 2000
Grain Damage: Rethinking the High-Starch Diet
Douglas N. Graham, 2005
Atlas of Neurologic Diagnosis and Treatment
R. Douglas Collins, 2004
Clinical Evaluation and Management of Spasticity (Current Clinical Neurology)
David A. Gelber, Douglas R. Jeffery
Cancer Gene Therapy
David T. Curiel, Joanne T. Douglas, 2005
Essentials of Sports Nutrition and Supplements
Christopher B. Scott (auth.), Jose Antonio PhD, Douglas Kalman PhD, RD, Jeffrey R. Stout PhD, Mike Greenwood PhD, Darryn S. Willoughby PhD, G. Gregory Haff PhD (eds.), 2008
Essentials of Sports Nutrition and Supplements
Jose Antonio, Douglas Kalman, Jeffrey R. Stout, Mike Greenwood, Darryn Willoughby, G. Gregory Haff, 2008
Relating experience: stories from health and social care
Jenny Douglas, 2004
Laparoscopic surgery of the abdomen
Bruce V. MacFadyen, Maurice Arregui, Steve Eubanks, Douglas O. Olsen, Jeffrey H. Peters, Nathaniel J. Soper, Lee L. Swanstrom, Steven D. Wexner, 2003