کتاب های R. E. Munn Ph.d. (auth.)

Retail Security and Loss Prevention
Read Hayes PhD, CPP (auth.), 2007
Principles of Molecular Medicine
Sarah H. Elsea, Pragna I. Patel (auth.), J. Larry Jameson MD, PhD (eds.), 1998
Principles of Food Sanitation
Norman G. Marriott PhD, Robert B. Gravani (auth.), 2006
Sanificazione nell’industria alimentare
Norman G. Marriott PhD, Robert B. Gravani (auth.), 2008
PET: Molecular Imaging and Its Biological Applications
Michael E. Phelps PhD (auth.), 2004
Targeted Molecular Imaging in Oncology
E. Edmund Kim, David J. Yang (auth.), E. Edmund Kim MD, David J. Yang PhD (eds.), 2001
BMVC92: Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference, organised by the British Machine Vision Association 22–24 September 1992 Leeds
Robert M. Haralick (auth.), David Hogg BSc, MSc, DPhil, Roger Boyle BA, PhD (eds.), 1992
7th UK Computer and Telecommunications Performance Engineering Workshop: Edinburgh, 22–23 July 1991
Rob Pooley, Jane Hillston (auth.), Jane Elizabeth Hillston BA, MSc, Peter John Beaufoy King BSc, MSc, PhD, C.Eng, MBCS, Robert John Pooley BSc, MSc (eds.), 1992
Exploratory Data Analysis Using Fisher Information
Professor B. Roy Frieden (auth.), B. Roy Frieden BS, MS, PhD, Robert A. Gatenby BSE, MD (eds.), 2007
Molecular Mechanisms in Spermatogenesis
Rex A. Hess, Luiz Renato de Franca (auth.), C. Yan Cheng PhD (eds.), 2009
Molecular Mechanisms in Spermatogenesis
Rex A. Hess, Luiz Renato de Franca (auth.), C. Yan Cheng PhD (eds.), 2009
Sperm Chromatin: Biological and Clinical Applications in Male Infertility and Assisted Reproduction
Rod Balhorn PhD (auth.), Armand Zini, Ashok Agarwal (eds.), 2011
Aeroassisted Orbital Transfer: Guidance and Control Strategies
D. Subbaram Naidu PhD (auth.), 1994
Cytology and Surgical Pathology of Gynecologic Neoplasms
David Chhieng MD, MBA, MSHI, Pei Hui MD, PhD (auth.), David Chhieng, Pei Hui (eds.), 2011
14th Information Retrieval Colloquium: Proceedings of the BCS 14th Information Retrieval Colloquium, University of Lancaster, 13-14 April 1992
Mounia Lalmas, Keith van Rijsbergen (auth.), Tony McEnery BA (Hons), MSc, Chris Paice BSc.Tech, PhD (eds.), 1993
3D Contrast MR Angiography
Martin R. Prince MD, PhD, Thomas M. Grist M.D., Jörg F. Debatin M.D., MBA (auth.), 1999
4th Refinement Workshop: Proceedings of the 4th Refinement Workshop, organised by BCS-FACS, 9–11 January 1991, Cambridge
Robert Worden (auth.), Joseph M. Morris PhD, Roger C. Shaw (eds.), 1991
A Combination of Geometry Theorem Proving and Nonstandard Analysis with Application to Newton’s Principia
Jacques Fleuriot PhD, MEng (auth.), 2001
A First Course in Discrete Mathematics
Ian Anderson MA, PhD (auth.), 2002
A Functional Biology of Nematodes
David A. Wharton PhD (auth.), 1986
A History of Linear Electric Motors
Eric R. Laithwaite PhD, DSc, CEng, FIEE, FIEEE (auth.), 1987
A Practical Atlas of Congenital Heart Disease
Audrey Smith PhD, FIBMS, Roxane McKay MD, FRCS, FRCSC (auth.), 2004
Anesthesiology and the Cardiovascular Patient: Papers presented at the 41st Annual Postgraduate Course in Anesthesiology, February 1996
Dennis T. Mangano PhD, MD (auth.), T. H. Stanley, P. L. Bailey (eds.), 1996
Essential Mathematics for Computer Graphics fast
John Vince MTech, PhD, FBCS, CEng (auth.), 2001