کتاب های R. G. D. Allen (auth.)

Introduction to Engineering Statistics and Six Sigma: Statistical Quality Control and Design of Experiments and Systems
Theodore T. Allen PhD (auth.), 2006
Fitting Linear Models: An Application of Conjugate Gradient Algorithms
Allen Mclntosh (auth.), 1982
A Russian Philosophe Alexander Radishchev 1749–1802
Allen McConnell (auth.), 1964
Analog and Mixed-Signal Hardware Description Language
Allen Dewey (auth.), 1997
Digital Products: Living Data is the Future
George Allen (auth.), 2000
Lectures on Viscoelasticity Theory
Allen C. Pipkin (auth.), 1972
Lectures on Viscoelasticity Theory
Allen C. Pipkin (auth.), 1972
Probability, Statistics, and Queuing Theory with Computer Science Applications
Arnold O. Allen (Auth.), 1990
Feminism and Motherhood in Western Europe, 1890–1970: The Maternal Dilemma
Ann Taylor Allen (auth.), 2005
Stochastic Population and Epidemic Models: Persistence and Extinction
Linda J. S. Allen (auth.), 2015
Allen Jack Edwards (auth.), 1993
Travel and Tourism
Mary Allen (auth.), 1991
Immunobiology of the Head and Neck
Allen F. Ryan (auth.), 1984
Integrative Systems Approaches to Natural and Social Dynamics: Systems Science 2000
P. M. Allen (auth.), 2001
Digital Culture Industry: A History of Digital Distribution
James Allen-Robertson (auth.), 2013
A Short Economic History of Modern Japan
G. C. Allen (auth.), 1981
Introduction to Discrete Event Simulation and Agent-based Modeling: Voting Systems, Health Care, Military, and Manufacturing
Theodore T. Allen (auth.), 2011
Holub on Patterns: Learning Design Patterns by Looking at Code
Allen Holub (auth.), 2004
Holub on Patterns: Learning Design Patterns by Looking at Code
Allen Holub (auth.), 2004
Taming Java Threads
Allen Holub (auth.), 2000
An Introduction to National Accounts Statistics
R. G. D. Allen (auth.), 1980