کتاب های R. Harris

Global environmental issues
Frances Harris, 2004
Robert Harris, 2006
Vectors of Plant Pathogens
Kerry F. Harris, 1980
Neoplatonism and Indian Thought
R. Baine Harris, 1981
Food and Evolution: Toward a Theory of Human Food Habits
Marvin Harris, 1987
Robert Harris, 2006
The ant generator
Elizabeth Harris, 1991
International Environment Cooperation: Politics and Diplomacy in Pacific Asia
Paul G. Harris, 2002
Nothing but Christ: Rufus Anderson and the Ideology of Protestant Foreign Missions
Paul William Harris, 2000
Woe Be Unto the Prophets
Antonio D. Harris
School Improvement (What's in It for Schools)
Alma Harris, 2002
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Self-Defense
Chris Harris, 1999
Historical Development of Auxiliaries
Martin Harris, 1987
Routledge Handbook of Environment and Society in Asia
Paul G. Harris, 2014
Routledge Handbook of Global Environmental Politics
Paul G. Harris, 2013
Paul Harris, 2011
Finding & Keeping Great Employees
Jim Harris, 1999
Structure and Dynamics of Elementary Matter
John W. Harris (auth.), 2004
Jefes, cabecillas, abusones (Alianza Cien)
Marvin Harris, 1993
Improving Schools Through Teacher Leadership
Alma Harris, 2004
Dictionary of architecture & construction
Cyril M Harris, 2006
Cyril Harris, 2005