کتاب های R. S. Mcgregor

Fundamental Techniques of Plastic Surgery And Their Surgical Applications
McGregor A.D., McGregor I.A., 2000
Traditional Scandinavian knitting
Sheila McGregor, 2004
Fundamental Techniques of Plastic Surgery and Their Surgical Applications
Ian A. McGregor, 1995
A Practical Guide to Testing Object-Oriented Software
John D. McGregor, David A. Sykes, 2001
Semiconductor Radiation Detectors with Frisch Collars and Collimators for Gamma Ray Spectroscopy and Imaging
Douglas McGregor; Adam Brooks; Alireza Kargar; Mark Harrison; Walter McNei; All authors, 2006
British Commanders of World War II
Ian Sumner, Malcolm McGregor, 2003
Biotherapeutics: Recent Developments using Chemical and Molecular Biology
Lyn H Jones, Andrew J McKnight, David Fox, Peter H Seeberger, Sterghios A Moschos, Christine Power, Edmund Graziani, Rob Liskamp, Ben Davis, Kim Janda, Duncan McGregor, Christian Heinis, Pallavi Tawde, Hilde Revets, John Chaddock, David A Spiegel, Henrik Orum, Partha Chowdhury, David King, 2013
Cisco CCIE Fundamentals: Network Design
Mark McGregor, 1998
Marketing Theory and Practice
Michael J. Baker, Olivier Badot, Ken Bernard, Stephen Brown, Douglas Brownlie, Sara Carter, K. C. Chan, Bernard Cova, Keith Crosier, Adamantios Diamantopoulos, Bill Donaldson, Sean Ennis, Pervez Ghauri, Susan J. Hart, Peter Leeflang, Dale Littler, Michael C. Mcdermott, Lyn Mcgregor, Shan Rajagopal, Daniel Tixier, John Webb (eds.), 1995
Film Criticism as Cultural Fantasy: The Perpetual French Discovery of Australian Cinema
Andrew McGregor, 2010
A Military History of Modern Egypt: From the Ottoman Conquest to the Ramadan War
Andrew McGregor, 2006
A Functional Grammar of Gooniyandi (Studies in Language Companion Series)
William McGregor, 1990
Enjoy Your Meal: What Happens To Your Food When You Eat? (Let's Explore Science)
Emily Mcgregor, 2008
Fundamentals of University Mathematics
Colin McGregor, 2010
The Runner's Edge
Stephen McGregor, 2009
Fundamental Techniques of Plastic Surgery And Their Surgical Applications
Alan D. McGregor MDFRCS(Glas)FRCS(Plas Surg), 2000
Plastische Chirurgie: Grundlagen und klinische Anwendungen
Ian A. McGregor M.B., 1987
Plastische Chirurgie: Grundlagen und klinische Anwendungen
Ian A. McGregor (auth.), 1992
Who Owns Whom
Robin McGregor (auth.), 1993
The Athenians and Their Empire
Malcolm Francis McGregor, 1987
The Lawkillers. True Crime from Dundee
Alexander McGregor, 2013
Testing Object-Oriented Systems: Models, Patterns, and Tools
John D. McGregor, 2001
Developing reflective practice : a guide for beginning teachers
Debra McGregor, 2011
Developing Reflective Practice: A Guide for Beginning Teachers
Debra Mcgregor, 2011