کتاب های R.c. Mishra

PySpark Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach with PySpark2
Raju Kumar Mishra, 2017
The Hindu Kush Himalaya Assessment: Mountains, Climate Change, Sustainability and People
Philippus Wester, Arabinda Mishra, Aditi Mukherji, Arun Bhakta Shrestha (eds.), 2019
Mechanics for JEE (Main & Advanced) Volume 1
Er. Anurag Mishra
Optics for JEE (Main & Advanced)
Er. Anurag Mishra, 2017
An Introduction to Quantum Communication
Vinod K. Mishra, 2016
iOS Code Testing: Test-Driven Development and Behavior-Driven Development with Swift
Abhishek Mishra, 2017
PySpark SQL Recipes: With HiveQL, Dataframe and Graphframes
Raju Kumar Mishra, Sundar Rajan Raman, 2019
PySpark SQL Recipes: With HiveQL, Dataframe and Graphframes
Raju Kumar Mishra, Sundar Rajan Raman, 2019
Wireshark 2 Quick Start Guide Secure your network through protocol analysis
Charit Mishra, 2018
THEORY OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Automata, Languages and Computation
Bollywood Cinema: Temples of Desire
Vijay Mishra, 2001
Smart Innovations in Communication and Computational Sciences: Proceedings of ICSICCS 2017
Bijaya Ketan Panigrahi; Munesh C Trivedi; Krishn K Mishra; Shailesh Tiwari; Pradeep Kumar Singh, 2019
The Time Regulation Institute
Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar, Alexander Dawe, Ureen Freely, Pankaj Mishra, 2013
Hardware IP Security and Trust
Prabhat Mishra, Swarup Bhunia, Mark Tehranipoor (eds.), 2017
Compressive Sensing Based Algorithms for Electronic Defence
Amit Kumar Mishra, Ryno Strauss Verster, 2017
QoS and Energy Management in Cognitive Radio Network: Case Study Approach
Vishram Mishra, Jimson Mathew, Chiew-Tong Lau (auth.), 2017
Social sector in India: issues and challenges
Mishra, Padmaj; Rout, Himanshu Sekhar, 2015
Internal Migration in Contemporary India
Deepak K. Mishra, 2016
Fibre Structure
MIshra, Siba Prasad, 2016
Introduction to Unconstrained Optimization with R
Shashi Kant Mishra, Bhagwat Ram, 2019
Botany in Vedas
Prashant Kimar Mishra, 2016
Fundamental Approaches to Screen Abnormalities in Drosophila
Monalisa Mishra, 2020
Notes on Gröbner bases
Bud Mishra, Chee Yap, 1995
Foundations And Applications Of Indian Psychology
A. P. Mishra, 2013