کتاب های R.p. Canale
درباره نویسنده

Métodos Numéricos para Ingenieros
S.C. Steven; R.P. Canale, 2007
A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence: Vol. 9: A History of the Philosophy of Law in the Civil Law World, 1600-1900; Vol. 10: The Philosophers’ Philosophy of Law from the Seventeenth Century to our Days
Merio Scattola (auth.), Prof. Enrico Pattaro, Prof. Damiano Canale, Prof. Paolo Grossi, Prof. Hasso Hofmann, Prof. Patrick Riley (eds.), 2009
Quenching and cooling, residual stress and distortion control
Lauralice de Campos Franceschini Canale, 2010
Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics e-dition: Text with Continually Updated Online Reference
S. Terry Canale MD, 2007
Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics, 11th Edition
S. Terry Canale MD, 2007
Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics: 4-Volume Set, 11th Edition
S. Terry Canale MD, 2007
Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics: 4-Volume Set
S. Terry Canale, 2012
Failure Analysis of Heat Treated Steel Components
L.C.F. Canale, R.A. Mesquita, 2008
The Planning Theory of Law: A Critical Reading
Damiano Canale (auth.), 2013
Tratado de Cirugía Ortopédica Campbell (4 Tomos)
S. Terry Canale MD, 2004
French Colonialism in Tropical Africa 1900-1945
Jean Suret-Canale, 1971
La Legion Española 1921. La Reconquista tras el Desastre de Annual
Francisco Martínez Canale, 2010
Basic Elements of Christian Theology
Fernando Canale, 2005
Frederick M. Azar, James H. Beaty, S. Terry Canale,, 2017
Studies in Neural Data Science
Antonio Canale, Daniele Durante, Lucia Paci, Bruno Scarpa, 2018
Technology, Multimodality and Learning: Analyzing Meaning across Scales
Germán Canale, 2019
Métodos Numéricos para Ingenieros
Steven C. Chapra; Raymond P. Canale, 2015
Numerical Methods for Engineers 7th Edition
Steven Chapra, Raymond Canale, 2014
Don Chisciotte della Mancia
Miguel de Cervantes, a cura di Francisco Rico, Angelo Valastro Canale, 2015
Storia del mondo. Dall'anno 1000 ai giorni nostri
Francesca Canale Cama, Amedeo Feniello, Luigi Mascilli Migliorini, 2019
L'età contemporanea. Una storia globale
Francesca Canale Cama, 2020
Storia del mondo. Dall'anno 1000 ai giorni nostri
Francesca Canale Cama, Amedeo Feniello, Luigi Mascilli Migliorini, 2019
Amores Prohibidos
Florencia Canale, 0101