کتاب های Raul Torres Ruiz Dr. (editor)

CRISPR in Animals and Animal Models: Volume 152
Raul Torres-Ruiz Dr. (editor), Sandra Rodriguez-Perales Dr. (editor), 2017
Geographical and Fingerprinting Data for Positioning and Navigation Systems: Challenges, Experiences and Technology Roadmap
Jordi Conesa (editor), Antoni Perez-Navarro (editor), Joaquin Torres-Sospedra (editor), Raul Montoliu (editor), 2018
The Chicano Studies Reader: An Anthology of Aztlán, 1970―2019 (Aztlan Anthology)
Chon A. Noriega (editor), Eric Avila (editor), Karen Mary Davalos (editor), Chela Sandoval (editor), Rafael Pérez-Torres (editor), Charlene Villaseñor Black (editor), 2020
Computational and Decision Methods in Economics and Business: Proceedings of the International Workshop “Innovation, Complexity and Uncertainty in ... (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems)
Anna Maria Gil-Lafuente (editor), Josefa Boria (editor), Agustín Torres (editor), José M. Merigó (editor), Janusz Kacprzyk (editor), 2022
Astrobiology: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy
Octavio A. Chon Torres (editor), Ted Peters (editor), Joseph Seckbach (editor), Richard Gordon (editor), 2021
Sustainable Seaweed Technologies: Cultivation, Biorefinery, and Applications
Maria Dolores Torres (editor), Stefan Kraan (editor), Herminia Dominguez (editor), 2020
Revolution Around the Corner: Voices from the Puerto Rican Socialist Party in the U.S.
Jose E. Velazquez (editor), Carmen V. Rivera (editor), Andres Torres (editor), 2020
Social and Political Transitions During the Left Turn in Latin America
Karen Silva-Torres (editor), Carolina Rozo-Higuera (editor), Daniel S. Leon (editor), 2021
Vozes tradutórias : 20 anos de Cadernos de tradução
Walter Carlos Costa (editor); Andréia Guerini (editor); Marie-Hélène Catherine Torres (editor), 2015
Conducting Research in Translation Technologies (New Trends in Translation Studies)
Pilar Sánchez-Gijón (editor), Olga Torres-Hostench (editor), Bartolomé Mesa-Lao (editor), 2015
Brasil século XXI por uma nova regionalização : agentes, processos e escalas
Ana Clara Torres Ribeiro; Ester Limonad (editor); Rogério Haesbaert (editor); Ruy Moreira (editor), 2015
Dynamic Vulnerability Assessment and Intelligent Control: For Sustainable Power Systems
José Luis Rueda-Torres (Editor), Francisco González-Longatt (Editor), 2018
Bion's Sources: The shaping of his paradigms
Nuno Torres (editor), R.D. Hinshelwood (editor), 2013
The Configuration of the Spanish Public Sphere: From the Enlightenment to the Indignados (Studies in Latin American and Spanish History, 5)
David Jiménez Torres (editor), Leticia Villamediana González (editor), 2019
Ensayos sobre género y desarrollo II
Gladys Eskola Torres (editor), 2002
Innovación docente : nuevos planteamientos
Luis Torres Barzabal (editor), 2018