کتاب های Raul Wiener

Comecon Data 1983
Vienna Institute for Comparative Economic Studies (Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche) (eds.), 1984
Comecon Data 1985
Vienna Institute for Comparative Economic Studies (Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche) (eds.), 1986
Comecon Foreign Trade Data 1984
Vienna Institute for Comparative Economic Studies (Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche) (eds.), 1985
Comecon Foreign Trade Data 1986
Vienna Institute for Comparative Economic Studies (Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche) (eds.), 1988
Comecon Data 1987
Vienna Institute for Comparative Economic Studies (Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschafts-vergleiche) (eds.), 1988
Gettysburg July 2 1863 Confederate The Army of Northern Virginia
James R. Arnold and Roberta Wiener, 2000
Gettysburg July 2 1863. Union The Army of the Potomac
James Arnold and Roberta Wiener, 2000
The Going: A Meditation on Jewish Law
Leon Wiener Dow (auth.), 2017
Ex-Prodigy: My Childhood and Youth
Norbert Wiener, 1953
I Am A Mathematician: The Later Life of a Prodigy
Norbert Wiener, 1956
Selected Writings (Values in a Universe of Chance)
Charles S. Peirce; Philip Paul Wiener (ed.), 1966
The Americanization of Zionism, 1897–1948
Naomi Wiener Cohen, 2003
Ex-prodigy. My Childhood and Youth
Norbert Wiener, 1953
Supervising and Being Supervised: A Practice in Search of a Theory
Jan Wiener, Richard Mizen, Jenny Duckham (eds.), 2003
Critical Care Secrets
Polly E. Parsons, Jeanine P. Wiener-Kronish, Lorenzo Berra, Renee D Stapleton, 2018
The Way of the 4th Toe: The Way of the 4th Toe
Jack Wiener, 2011
Κυβερνητική και κοινωνία
Wiener Norbert, 1970
First Aid for the Pediatrics Clerkship
Latha Ganti, Matthew S. Kaufman, Neeraja Kairam, Lurie Brian M., Ethan Wiener, 2017
Harrison’s principles of internal medicine: self-assessment and board review
Charles Wiener et al., 2016