کتاب های Reiss

什麼是難民,族群融合,庇護政策或仇外心理? : 看見他人困境的理解能力
Christine Schulz-Reiss; (Schulz-Reiss Christine) 舒茲-萊斯, 2018
The Natural Superwoman: The Scientifically Backed Program for Feeling Great, Looking Younger, and Enjoying Amazing Energy at Any Age
Uzzi Reiss, M. D., OB/GYN; Yfat Reiss Gendell, 2008
Basiswissen Zahlentheorie: Einfuehrung in Zahlen und Zahlbereiche
Kristina Reiss, Gerald Schmieder, 2004
Recognizing Planar Objects Using Invariant Image Features
Thomas H. Reiss (eds.), 1993
Problems of Mathematical Physics (Selected Russian Publications in the Mathematical Sciences)
N.N. Lebedev, I.P. Skalskaya, Y.S. Uflyand (authors), Richard A. Silverman (editor and translator), Edward L. Reiss (Supplement)
Problems of Mathematical Physics (Selected Russian Publications in the Mathematical Sciences)
N.N. Lebedev, I.P. Skalskaya, Y.S. Uflyand (authors), Richard A. Silverman (editor and translator), Edward L. Reiss (Supplement), 1965
Contemporary Masters in Criminology
Albert J. Reiss Jr. (auth.), Joan McCord, John H. Laub (eds.), 1995
A Course on Point Processes
Rolf-Dieter Reiss (auth.), 1993
Electronic Communication Across the Curriculum
Donna Reiss, Dickie Selfe, Art Young, 1998
The Schema Therapy Clinician's Guide : a Complete Resource for Building and Delivering Individual, Group and Integrated Schema Mode Treatment Programs
Farrell, Joan M.; Reiss, Neele; Shaw, Ida A, 2014
Debating World Literature
Christopher Prendergast, Benedict Anderson, Emily Apter, Stanley Corngold, Nicholas Dew, Simon Goldhill, Stephen Heath, Stefan Hoesel-Uhlig, Peter Madsen, Franco Moretti, Francesca Orsini, Timothy J. Reiss, Bruce Clunies Ross, Elisa Sampson Vera Tudela, John Sturrock, 2004
Statistical Analysis of Extreme Values: from Insurance, Finance, Hydrology and Other Fields
Rolf-Dieter Reiss, Michael Thomas (auth.), 1997
Statistical Analysis of Extreme Values: with Applications to Insurance, Finance, Hydrology and Other Fields
Rolf-Dieter Reiss, Michael Thomas (auth.), 2007
Marx: A Clear Guide
Edward Reiss, 1996
Causation, Evidence, and Inference
Julian Reiss, 2015
Towards a General Theory of Translational Action: Skopos Theory Explained
Katharina Reiss, 2014
Project Management Demystified
Geoff Reiss, 2007
Project Management Demystified, 3rd Edition
Geoff Reiss, 2007
Project Management Demystified: Today's Tools and Techniques
Geoff Reiss, 1995