کتاب های René Aïd

Descartes: Meditations on First Philosophy: With Selections from the Objections and Replies
René Descartes, John Cottingham, Bernard Williams, 1996
Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy, 4th Ed.
Rene Descartes, 1998
Meditations On First Philosophy
Descartes Rene
From the web to the grid and beyond : computing paradigms driven by high-energy physics
Brun, René; Forschungsprozess.; Galli Carminati, Giuliana; Grid Computing.; Hochenergiephysik.; Informationstechnik.; Softwareentwicklung.; Carminati, Federico (eds), 2012
Physical Chemistry of Solid-Gas Interfaces: Concepts and Methodology for Gas Sensor Development
Rene Lalauze(auth.), Dominique Placko(eds.), 2008
Tensegrity. Structural Systems for the Future
René Motro (Auth.), 2003
Maximum Principles and Their Applications
René P. Sperb (Eds.), 1981
Growing Adaptive Machines: Combining Development and Learning in Artificial Neural Networks
Taras Kowaliw, Nicolas Bredeche, René Doursat (eds.), 2014
Number Fields and Function Fields - Two Parallel Worlds
Gerard B. M. Geer, Ben J.J. Moonen, René Schoof, 2005
Number Fields and Function Fields—Two Parallel Worlds
Gebhard Böckle (auth.), Gerard van der Geer, Ben Moonen, René Schoof (eds.), 2005
Fundamentaj Reguloj de la Vort-Teorio en Esperanto
Rene de Saussure
Mighty MAC: Airlift, Rescue, Special Operations
Rene J. Francillon, Peter B. Lewis, Jim Dunn, 1990
Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography: State of the Art and Evolution ESAT Course, Leuven, Belgium, May 21–23, 1991
Prof. Dr. B. De Schutter (auth.), Bart Preneel, René Govaerts, Joos Vandewalle (eds.), 1993
Soil Pollution: Processes and Dynamics
Professor Dr. Bruno Yaron, Professor Dr. Raoul Calvet, Dr. René Prost (auth.), 1996
Abdominal Wall Hernias: Principles and Management
René Stoppa MD, George E. Wantz MD, Gabriele Munegato MD, Alfonso Pluchinotta (auth.), Robert Bendavid MD, Jack Abrahamson MD, Maurice E. Arregui MD, Jean Bernard Flament MD, Edward H. Phillips MD (eds.), 2001
Asterix Mundart, Band 1, Schwäbisch I - Dr große Graba, 2. Auflage
Albert Uderzo, René Goscinny, 2001
Asterix Mundart, Band 14, Hessisch I - Hibbe un dribbe, 2. Auflage
Rene Goscinny, 2002
Asterix Mundart, Band 6, Sächsisch I - De Rose un's Schwärd
Rene Goscinny, 1997
Asterix Mundart, Band 8, Wienerisch I - Da grosse Grobn
Albert Uderzo, René Goscinny, 1997
Asterix Mundart, Band 9, Bayrisch I - Auf geht's zu de Got'n
Rene Goscinny, 1997
Systemic Management for Intelligent Organizations: Concepts, Models-Based Approaches and Applications
Matthias Hühn (auth.), Stefan N. Grösser, René Zeier (eds.), 2012
Botany Bay: Where Histories Meet
René Fester Kratz, 2006