کتاب های Richard Daly (editor)

The Use and reuse of stone circles: Fieldwork at five Scottish monuments and its implications
Courtney Nimura (editor), Richard Bradley (editor), 2016
The Use and reuse of stone circles: Fieldwork at five Scottish monuments and its implications
Courtney Nimura (editor), Richard Bradley (editor), 2016
Data Management. Data, Data Everywhere: 24th British National Conference on Databases, BNCOD 24, Glasgow, UK, July 3-5, 2007, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4587)
Richard Cooper (editor), Jessie Kennedy (editor), 2007
Cryogenic Engineering: Fifty Years of Progress (International Cryogenics Monograph Series)
Klaus D. Timmerhaus (editor), Richard P. Reed (editor), 2006
Research Issues in Structured and Semistructured Database Programming: 7th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, DBPL'99 Kinloch ... (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1949)
Richard Connor (editor), Alberto Mendelzon (editor), 2000
Regulae ad directionem ingenii: An Early Manuscript Version
René Descartes, Richard Serjeantson (editor), Michael Edwards (editor), 2023
Il momento Malebranche. Lettere 1920-1936
Étienne Gilson, Henri Gouhier, Igor Agostini (editor), Richard J. Fafara (editor), 2021
Was ist Deutsch? Ediz. multilingue
Richard Wagner, Giovanni Guanti (editor), Francesco Ragni (editor), 2015
Congress and Indian Nationalism: The Pre-Independence Phase
Richard Sisson (editor), Stanley Wolpert (editor), 2018
Coleoptera, beetles. Volume 2, Morphology and systematics (Elateroidea, Bostrichiformia, Cucujiformia partim)
Adam Slipinski (associate editor); Richard A.B. Leschen, Rolf G. Beutel, John F. Lawrence (volume editors)., 2010.
Problems of Mathematical Physics (Selected Russian Publications in the Mathematical Sciences)
N.N. Lebedev, I.P. Skalskaya, Y.S. Uflyand (authors), Richard A. Silverman (editor and translator), Edward L. Reiss (Supplement)
Problems of Mathematical Physics (Selected Russian Publications in the Mathematical Sciences)
N.N. Lebedev, I.P. Skalskaya, Y.S. Uflyand (authors), Richard A. Silverman (editor and translator), Edward L. Reiss (Supplement), 1965
ARF Family GTPases (Proteins and Cell Regulation)
Richard A. Kahn (Editor), 2004
Cinema Journal, Volume 8, Issue 2, Spring, 1969
Richard Dyer MacCann, Editor, 1969
Environmental Law, the Economy and Sustainable Development: The United States, the European Union and the International Community
Richard L. Revesz (editor), 2008
Bone Marrow Transplantation (Vademecum)
Richard K. Burt (Editor), 1996
Cardinal Lavigerie and the African Slave Trade (Cambridge Library Collection - Religion)
Richard F. Clarke (editor), 2010
What Is Truth? (Current Issues in Theoretical Philosophy)
Richard Schantz (editor), 2002
Politeness in Language: Studies in Its History, Theory And Practice
et al Richard J. Watts (Editor), 2005
Symbian OS C++ for Mobile Phones - Volume 3
Richard Harrison (Editor), 2007
Symbian OS C++ for Mobile Phones - Volume 3
Richard Harrison (Editor), 2007
Bacterial Invasion of Host Cells (Advances in Molecular and Cellular Microbiology)
Richard J. Lamont (Editor), 2004
Advances in Targeted Cancer Therapy (Progress in Drug Research)
Richard M. Schultz (Editor), 2005
Culture Works: The Political Economy of Culture (Cultural Politics Vol. 18)
Richard Maxwell (editor), 2001