کتاب های Richard Peters
درباره نویسنده

New Developments in Mortgage-Backed Securities
Richard T. Pratt, Helen F. Peters, Richard B. Worley, Stanley Diller, Roland M. Machold, James J. Connolly, William H. Gross, Richard L. Sega; Frank J. Fabozzi, Ray B. Zemon; Suzanne Denbo Jaffe, J. Donald Klink; Paul A. Yates, 1985
A Concise Dictionary of the Avant-Gardes
Richard Kostelanetz, Richard Carlin, Mark Daniel Cohen, Geof Huth, Gerald Janecek, Katy Matheson, Gloria S. McDarrah, Fred W. McDarrah, Michael Peters, John Rocco, Igor Satanovsky, Nicolas Slonimsky, Fred Truck, 2019
Drugs During Pregnancy and Lactation (Schaefer, Drugs During Pregnancy and Lactation)
Christof Schaefer, Paul W.J. Peters, Richard K Miller, 2007
Drugs During Pregnancy and Lactation (Schaefer, Drugs During Pregnancy and Lactation), 2nd Edition
Christof Schaefer, Paul W.J. Peters, Richard K Miller, 2007
Festschrift der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Forschung des Landes Nordrhein — Westfalen zu Ehren des Herrn Ministerpräsidenten Karl Arnold
Richard Alewyn, Herbert von Einem, Joseph Höffner, Günther Jachmann, Gerhard Kegel, Josef Kroll, Thomas Ohm, Hans Peters, Josef Pieper, Karl Heinrich Rengstorf, Fritz Schalk, Georg Schreiber, Friedrich Karl Schumann, Franz Steinbach, Hans Erich Stier, Jost Trier, Leo Weisgerber, Harry Westermann, Hans J. Wolff, Leo Brandt, Kurt Alder, Volker Aschoff, Friedrich Becker, Heinrich Behnke, Theodor Beste, Hans Braun, Wilhelm Fucks, Wilhelm Groth, Fritz Gummert, Burckhardt Helferich, Walther L. Hoffman, 1955
Rough Sets: International Joint Conference, IJCRS 2016, Santiago de Chile, Chile, October 7–11, 2016, Proceedings
Víctor Flores, Fernando Gomide, Andrzej Janusz, Claudio Meneses, Duoqian Miao, Georg Peters, Dominik Ślęzak, Guoyin Wang, Richard Weber, Yiyu Yao (eds.), 2016
Richard Peters
The Visible and Invisible Group
Yvonne M. Agazarian, Richard Peters, 1995
Astrobiology: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy
Octavio A. Chon Torres (editor), Ted Peters (editor), Joseph Seckbach (editor), Richard Gordon (editor), 2021
Moral Development and Moral Education
Richard S. Peters, 2015
Introduction to Supercritical Fluids: A Spreadsheet-based Approach
Richard Smith, Hiroshi Inomata and Cor Peters (Eds.), 2013