کتاب های Rik Van Gijn (editor)

The unofficial guide to obstetrics & gynaecology
Katherine Lattey (editor); (Obstetrician) Matthew Wood (editor); Zeshan Qureshi (editor), 2018
Molecular exercise physiology : an introduction
Henning Wackerhage (editor); James P. Morton (editor); (Professor in Molecular Physiology and Epigenetics) Adam P. Sharples (editor), 2022
Spirit Service: Vodún and Vodou in the African Atlantic World
Eric James Montgomery (editor), Timothy R. Landry (editor), Christian N. Vannier (editor), 2022
The Foundations and Versatility of English Language Teaching (ELT)
Christoph Haase (editor), Natalia Orlova (editor), Joel Head (editor), 2018
Contemporary Issues in Cultural Heritage Tourism
Jamie Kaminski (editor), Angela M Benson (editor), David Arnold (editor), 2017
Il libro tibetano dei morti
Padmasambhava, Graham Coleman (editor), Thupten Jinpa (editor), XIV Dalai Lama (editor), 2017
Philosophy of Sculpture: Historical Problems, Contemporary Approaches
Kristin Gjesdal (editor), Fred Rush (editor), Ingvild Torsen (editor), 2020
Swanson's Family Medicine Review
Alfred F. Tallia MDMPH (editor), Joseph E. Scherger MDMPH (editor), Nancy Dickey MD (editor), 2021
Cruyde Boeck Antwerpen, 1563 ; digitales Faksimile nach dem Exemplar der Universitätsbibliothek Marburg
Rembert Dodoens; Lydia Kaiser (editor); Ans Schapendonk (editor); Thomas Gloning (editor), 2005
Cruyde Boeck Antwerpen, 1563 ; digitales Faksimile nach dem Exemplar der Universitätsbibliothek Marburg
Rembert Dodoens; Lydia Kaiser (editor); Ans Schapendonk (editor); Thomas Gloning (editor), 2005
Hybrides Lernen : zur Theorie und Praxis von Präsenz- und Distanzlernen
Philippe Wampfler (editor); Axel Krommer (editor); Wanda Klee (editor), 2021
Weissbuch Gastroenterologie 2020/2021 : Erkrankungen des Magen-Darm-Traktes, der Leber und der BauchspeicheldreÌ#x80;use - Gegenwart und Zukunft
Petra Lynen Jansen (editor); Markus M. Lerch (editor); Frank Lammert (editor), 2019
Klinikhandbuch labordiagnostische Pfade Einführung - Screening - Stufendiagnostik
Johannes Aufenanger (editor); Georg Hoffmann (editor); Walter Hofmann (editor), 2014
Poetik der Oberfläche: Die deutschsprachige Popliteratur der 1990er Jahre (German Edition)
Olaf Grabienski (editor), Till Huber (editor), Jan-Noël Thon (editor), 2011
Diabetes in Der Schwangerschaft: Praxisorientiertes Wissen Zu Gestationsdiabetes, Diabetes Mellitus Typ 1 Und 2, Mody (German Edition)
Jens H. Stupin (editor), Ute Schfer-Graf (editor), Michael Hummel (editor), 2020
Fighters and singers : the lives of some Australian Aboriginal women
Isobel White (editor); Diane Barwick (editor); Betty Meehan (editor), 2020
Politics of forests : northern forest-industrial regimes in the age of globalization
Ari Aukusti Lehtinen (editor); Jakob Donner-Amnell (editor); Bjørnar Sæther (editor), 2016
Historia de las literaturas en el Perú Volumen 2 Literatura y cultura en el Virreinato del Perú : apropiación y diferencia
Marcel Velázquez Castro (editor); Raquel Chang-Rodríguez (editor); Carlos García-Bedoya Maguiña (editor), 2017
Le Pain la paix la liberté: Expériences et territoires du Front populaire (Histoire) (French Edition)
Serge Wolikow (editor), Jean Vigreux (editor), Xavier Vigna (editor), 2006
The Psychology of Entrepreneurship (SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series)
Michael M. Gielnik (editor), Melissa S. Cardon (editor), Michael Frese (editor), 2020
Vite e dottrine dei più celebri filosofi. Testo greco a fronte
Diogene Laerzio, Giovanni Reale (editor), Giuseppe Girgenti (editor), Ilaria Ramelli (editor), 2005
Rereading Chaucer and Spenser: Dan Geffrey with the New Poete
Rachel Stenner (editor), Tamsin Badcoe (editor), Gareth Griffith (editor), 2019
The Popularization of Philosophy in Medieval Islam, Judaism, and Christianity
Marieke Abram (editor), Steven Harvey (editor), Lukas Muehlethaler (editor), 2022
Advanced Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Development (AI2SD'2020)
Janusz Kacprzyk (editor), Valentina E. Balas (editor), Mostafa Ezziyyani (editor), 2022