کتاب های Rob Butler (editor)

Seminars in Old Age Psychiatry
Rob Butler (editor), Cornelius Katona (editor), 2019
The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Contemporary British and Irish Literature
Richard Bradford (editor), Madelena Gonzalez (editor), Stephen Butler (editor), James Ward (editor), Kevin De Ornellas (editor), 2020
Butler on Whitehead: On the Occasion
Roland Faber (Editor), Michael Halewood (Editor), Deena Lin (Editor), Jeffrey A. Bell (Contributor), Vikki Bell (Contributor), Judith Butler, 2012
Narrating Trauma: On the Impact of Collective Suffering
Ron Eyerman (Editor), Jeffrey C. Alexander (Editor), Elizabeth Butler Breese (Editor), 2011
DrExam Part B MRCS OSCE Revision Guide Book 1: Applied Surgical Science & Critical Care, Anatomy & Surgical Pathology, Surgical Skills & Patient Safety
Kamil Asaad (editor), Professor Peter Butler (editor), Ben Miranda (editor), 2017
Nationalism and Architecture
Darren Deane (editor), Sarah Butler (editor), Raymond Quek (editor), 2012
Applied Radiological Anatomy
Paul Butler (editor), Adam Mitchell (editor), Jeremiah C. Healy (editor), 2012
Applied Radiological Anatomy
Paul Butler (editor), Adam Mitchell (editor), Jeremiah C. Healy (editor), 2012
Lars von Trier's Women
Rex Butler (editor), David Denny (editor), 2016
Management of Prader-Willi Syndrome
Merlin Butler (Editor), 2006
Che fine ha fatto lo Stato-nazione?
Judith Butler, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, A. Pirri (editor), 2020
Che tu sia il mio corpo. Una lettura contemporanea della signoria e della servitù in Hegel
Judith Butler, Catherine Malabou, G. Tusa (editor), 2017
Child Rights: The Movement, International Law, and Opposition
Clark Butler (editor), 2012