کتاب های Rob Davis Bsc (auth.)

Magdalena : River of Dreams
Wade Davis, 2020
From Persia to Napa: Wine at the Persian Table
Najmieh Batmanglij; Dick Davis, 2006
C# 2005 For Dummies
Stephen Randy Davis; Chuck Sphar, 2005
Birthing models on the human rights frontier : speaking truth to power
Betty-Anne Daviss; Robbie Davis-Floyd, 2021
Uma guerra sem igual - Como atenienses e espartanos lutaram na Guerra do Peloponeso
Victor Davis Hanson, 2012
Impactful Development and Community Empowerment: Balancing the Dual Goals of a Global CLT Movement
John Emmeus Davis; Line Algoed; María E. Hernández?-Torrales, 2021
Educación Superior y Pueblos Indígenas y Afrodescendientes en América Latina. Normas, Políticas y Prácticas
Daniel Mato, (ed.); Daniel Mato, Mirta Millán, María Choque, Maria de Oliveira-Pankararu, Luis Cuji, Juan Chojoj, Mindahi Bastida, Sandra Davis, Marcos Williamson, Gavina Córdova, (auts.), 2012
Guerrilla Operations in the Civil War: Assessing Compound Warfare During Price's Raid
Major Dale E. Davis, 2015
Changing Gender Roles and Attitudes to Family Formation in Ireland
Margret Fine-Davis, 2016
Ghosts and Legends of Calico
Brian Clune, Bob Davis, 2020
Black Politics Today: The Era of Socioeconomic Transition
Theodore J. Davis Jr., 2011
Diagnostic Imaging: Musculoskeletal Trauma
Donna G. Blankenbaker, Kirkland W. Davis, 2021
A Chaucer Glossary
Norman Davis, Douglas Gray, Patricia Ingham, Anne Wallace-Hadrill, 1979
Myths & Legends of Japan
F. Hadland Davis, 2021
Hammer of the Gods: Led Zeppelin Unauthorised
Stephen Davis, 1997
I Segreti Di Visual Basic 6
Harold Davis, 1998
Smith's Anesthesia for Infants and Children
Peter J. Davis, Franklyn P. Cladis, 2021
El río: Exploraciones y descubrimientos en la selva amazónica
Wade Davis, (aut.); Nicolás Suescún, (trad.), 2017
Leer es para saber: Adquisición, retención y uso del alfabetismo. Estudio entre los matsigenkas (Arawak) de la amazonía peruana
Patricia M. Davis, (aut.); Walter del Aguila, Giuliana López, (trads.), 2016
Why Adjudicate?: Enforcing Trade Rules in the WTO
Christina L. Davis, 2012
Castles of Wales
John Davis, 2022