کتاب های Robert A. Roe

This Borrowed Earth: Lessons from the Fifteen Worst Environmental Disasters around the World (MacSci)
Robert Emmet Hernan, 2010
Trauma and Disaster Responses and Management
Robert J. Ursano, Ann E. Norwood, 2003
Trauma and Disaster Responses and Management (Review of Psychiatry Series, Vol 22, No 1)
Robert J. Ursano, Ann E. Norwood, 2003
The seeds of disaster: The development of French army doctrine, 1919-1939
Doughty, Robert Allan, 1985
The Northridge Earthquake: Vulnerability and Disaster
Robert Bolin, 1998
The Blue Death: Disease, Disaster, and the Water We Drink
Robert D. Morris, 2007
Terrorism and Disaster: Individual and Community Mental Health Interventions
Robert J. Ursano, Carol S. Fullerton, Ann E. Norwood, 2003
Terrorism and Disaster: Individual and Community Mental Health Interventions
Robert J. Ursano, Carol S. Fullerton, Ann E. Norwood, 2003
Textbook of Disaster Psychiatry
Robert J. Ursano, Carol S. Fullerton, Lars Weisaeth, Beverley Raphael, 2007
Surgery During Natural Disasters, Combat, Terrorist Attacks, and Crisis Situations
COL Robert B. Lim (eds.), 2016
Natural Hazards: Earth's Processes as Hazards, Disasters, and Catastrophes, 3rd Edition
Edward A. Keller, Duane E. Devecchio, Robert H. (CON) Blodgett, 2012
Notable Natural Disasters (2007)(en)(1000s)
Marlene Bradford, Robert S. Carmichael
Notable Natural Disasters (Magill's Choice)
Marlene Bradford, Robert S. Carmichael, 2007
Natural Disaster Hotspots: A Global Risk Analysis
Maxx Dilley, Robert S. Chen, Uwe Deichmann, Arthur L. Lerner-Lam, Margaret Arnold, 2005
Natural Disaster Hotspots: A Global Risk Analysis (Disaster Risk Management)
Maxx Dilley, Robert S. Chen, Uwe Deichmann, Arthur L. Lerner-Lam, Margaret Arnold, 2005
Natural Disaster Hotspots Case Studies (Disaster Risk Management)
Margaret Arnold (Editor), Robert S. Chen (Editor), Uwe Deichmann (Editor), Maxx Dilley (Editor), Art, 2006
Medical Disaster Response: A Survival Guide for Hospitals in Mass Casualty Events
David Goldschmitt, Robert Bonvino, 2009
Long-Term Community Recovery from Natural Disasters
Robert J Girod, 2014
Killing Our Own: The disaster of America's experience with atomic radiation
Harvey Wasserman & Norman Solomon with Robert Alvarez & Eleanor Walters
International Disaster Nursing
Robert Powers, Elaine Daily, 2010
Handbook of Bioterrorism and Disaster Medicine
Robert E. Antosia, John D. Cahill, 2006
Handbook of bioterrorism and disaster medicine
Robert E Antosia; John D Cahill, 2006
Handbook of bioterrorism and disaster medicine
Robert E Antosia; John D Cahill, 2006