کتاب های Robert B. Friedman

HBR's 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself
Peter F. Drucker, William Oncken Jr., Donald L. Wass, Stephen R. Covey, Diane L. Coutu, Tony Schwartz, Catherine McCarthy, Edward M. Hallowell, Stewart D. Friedman, Sumantra Ghoshal, Heike Bruch, Robert E. Quinn, Robert S. Kaplan, Daniel Goleman, Richard
Angels in the American Theater: Patrons, Patronage, and Philanthropy
Robert A Schanke, Theresa M COLLINS, Melanie Blood, Alexis GREENE, Jennifer SCHLUETER, Dan Friedman, David A. Crespy, John R Poole, Barry B Witham, Sheila Anderson, Bruce Kirle Ph.D., Stephen D Burwind, Jeffrey Eric Jenkins, Ullom, Kathy L Privatt, Dr. Anthony J Vickery PhD, 2007
Perceptual Modification. Adapting to Altered Sensory Environments
Robert B. Welch, Edward C. Carterette and Morton P. Friedman (Auth.), 1978
Head and neck surgery--otolaryngology
Byron J. Bailey, Karen H. Calhoun, Craig S. Derkay, Norman Friedman, Jack Gluckman, Gerald B. Healy, Robert K. Jackler, Jonas T. Johnson, Paul R. Lambert, Shawn Newlands, Harold C. Pillsbury, Anna M. Pou, M. Eugene Tardy, Dean M. Toriumi, Jeffrey T. Vrabec, 2001
Cáncer de piel
Darrell S. Rigel, MD, Robert J. Friedman, MD MSc(Med), Leonard M. Dzubow, MD, Douglas S. Reintgen, MD, Jean-Claude Bystryn, MD, and Robin Marks, MB BS MPH FRACP FACD (Eds.), 2006
Investment Counseling for Private Clients III
Janet T. Miller, James E. Hughes Jr., Darryl L. Meyers, Jean L.P. Brunel, Scott D. Welch, Robert N. Gordon, David M. Stein, Lee N. Price, Gregory R. Friedman, Lawrence J. Macklin, Patricia M. Thompson, David F. Lamere, 2001
Birational Geometry of Degenerations
Robert Friedman, 1983
Red Mafiya : how the Russian mob has invaded America
Robert I. Friedman, 2002
Polymers from Agricultural Coproducts
Marshall L. Fishman, Robert B. Friedman,, 1994
Politics of Excellence: Behind the Nobel Prize in Science
Robert Marc Friedman, 2001
Politics of Excellence: Behind the Nobel Prize in Science
Robert Marc Friedman, 2001
Algebraic Surfaces and Holomorphic Vector Bundles
Robert Friedman, 1998
Biotechnology of Amylodextrin Oligosaccharides
Robert B. Friedman (Eds.), 1991
Gauge Theory and the Topology of Four-Manifolds
Robert Friedman, 1998
Gauge theory and topology of four-manifolds
Robert Friedman, 1997
Gauge theory and topology of four-manifolds
Robert Friedman, 1997
Gauge theory and topology of four-manifolds
Robert Friedman, 1997
RadCases head and neck imaging
Gaurang Vrindavan Shah, Jeffrey Robert Wesolowski, Jeanie Choi, Elliott Friedman, 2016
Almost Commuting Elements in Compact Lie Groups
Armand Borel, Robert Friedman, John W. Morgan, 2002
Hodge Theory, Complex Geometry, and Representation Theory
Robert S. Doran, Greg Friedman, Scott Nollet, 2014
The Elements of Statistical Learning : Data Mining, Inference and Prediction
Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman, 2013
Foundations of public health management and leadership
Friedman, Leonard H.; Burke, Robert E., 2010
Gauge Theory and the Topology of Four-Manifolds
Robert Friedman, John Morgan, 1997