کتاب های Robert Caro

Chaos and nonlinear dynamics: an introduction for scientists and engineers
Robert Hilborn, 2000
Fractals, chaos, power laws - color plates
Manfred Robert Schroeder, 1991
Fractals, chaos, power laws: minutes from an infinite paradise
Manfred Robert Schroeder, 1991
Individual and Community Responses to Trauma and Disaster: the Structure of Human Chaos
Robert J. Ursano, Brian G. McCaughey, Carol S. Fullerton, Beverley Raphael, 1994
Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R
Christian Robert, George Casella (auth.), 2010
Bobby Fischer's Chess Games
Bobby Fischer, Robert G. Wade, Kevin J. O'Connell, 1973
Marine acoustics: Direct and inverse problems
James L. Buchanan, Robert P. Glbert, Armand Wirgin, Yongzhi S. Xu, 2003
Marine acoustics: direct and inverse problems
James L. Buchanan, Robert P. Glbert, Armand Wirgin, Yongzhi S. Xu, 2003
Marine Acoustics: Direct and Inverse Problems
James L. Buchanan, Robert P. Glbert, Armand Wirgin, Yongzhi S. Xu, 2003
Applied optics and optical engineering,Vol.X
Robert R. Shannon and James C. Wynant, 1987
Fundamentos de Física Vol. 4: Óptica e Física Moderna
David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker, 2012
Holographic and Speckle Interferometry
Robert Jones, Catherine Wykes, 1989
Image Resolution: Deconstructing Hollywood’s Zoom and Enhance
Robert D. Fiete, 2015
Integrated Optics: Theory and Technology
Robert G. Hunsperger (auth.), 2009
International Lens Design Conference May 31-June 4,1980
Robert E. Fischer
Nonlinear Optics, Third Edition
Robert W. Boyd, 2008
Principles of adaptive optics
Robert Tyson, 2010
Principles of adaptive optics
Robert Tyson, 2010
The art and science of optical design
Robert R. Shannon, 1997
LASEK, PRK, and Excimer Laser Stromal Surface Ablation (Refractive Surgery)
Robert Edward Ang, Sandeep Jain, Takuji Kato, Jae Bum Lee, Ronald R. Krueger, 2004
Understanding Cosmetic Laser Surgery (Understanding Health and Sickness Series)
Robert, M.D. Langdon, 2004
Understanding Cosmetic Laser Surgery (Understanding Health and Sickness Series)
Robert, M.D. Langdon, 2004
Atmospheric Ultraviolet Remote Sensing
Robert E. Huffman (Eds.), 1992