کتاب های Robert E. Ball
درباره نویسنده

Healthcare Information Management Systems: A Practical Guide
Edward H. Shortliffe (auth.), Marion J. Ball, Robert I. O’Desky, Judith V. Douglas, James W. Albright (eds.), 1991
A Treatise on the Theory Screws
Robert Stawell Ball, 2010
The Fundamentals of Aircraft Combat Survivability: Analysis and Design
Robert E. Ball, 2003
Mauser Military Rifles of the World
Robert W. D. Ball, 2011
Mauser Military Rifles of the World
Robert W. D. Ball, 2011
Military Medals, Decorations, and Orders of the United States and Europe
Robert W.D. Ball & Paul Peters, 2004
Embedded Systems. World Class Designs
Jack Ganssle, Stuart Ball, Arnold S. Berger, Keith E. Curtis, Lewin A.R.W. Edwards, Rick Gentile, Martin Gomez, John M. Holland, David J. Katz, Chris Keydel, Jean La Brosse, Olaf Meding, Robert Oshana, 2008
Criminological Theory
J. Robert Lilly & Francis T. Cullen & Richard A. Ball
Strategy and Security in the Asia-Pacific
Robert Ayson, Desmond Ball, 2006
The Essential Theatre
Oscar Brockett, Robert Ball, John Fleming, Andrew Carlson
Pedagogia da exclusão: Crítica ao neoliberalismo em educação
Pablo Gentili, Michael W. Apple, Gaudêncio Frigotto, Carlos Alberto Torres, Marília Fonseca, Marcio da Costa, Stephen J. Ball, Robert W. Connell, Roger Dale, Anita Oliver, Daniel H. Suárez, 1999
Survey Research Designs: Towards a Better Understanding of Their Costs and Benefits: Prepared under the Auspices of the Working Group on the Comparative Evaluation of Longitudinal Surveys Social Science Research Council
Robert F. Boruch, Robert W. Pearson (auth.), Robert W. Pearson, Robert F. Boruch (eds.), 1986
Metal chelation in medicine
Robert R Crichton, Roberta J Ward, Robert C Hider, C David Garner, Robert Crichton, Philip Blower, Robert Hider, Peter Nielsen, John Porter, Roberta Ward, Rebecca Abergel, Roland Fischer, 2017
2-Oxoglutarate-Dependent Oxygenases
Robert Hausinger, Christopher Schofield, Christopher Schofield, C David Garner, J. Martin Bollinger, Johanna Myllyharju, Ray Trievel, Tina Muller, Pål Falnes, L Aravind, Robert Sabbatini, Frederic Vaz, Ronald Wanders, Stefan Martens, Peter Hedden, Inger Andersson, Janet Smith, Peter Rutledge, Graham Moran, Larry Que, Robert P Hausinger, Jalila Simaan, Chuan He, 2015
Adenosine, Cardioprotection and Its Clinical Application
Robert M. Mentzer Jr., Robert D. Lasley (auth.), Robert M. Mentzer Jr., Masafumi Kitakaze, James M. Downey, Masatsugu Hori (eds.), 1997
Encyclopedia of Energy (Encyclopedia of Energy Series)
Robert U Ayres, Robert Costanza, Jose Goldemberg, Marija D Ilic, Eberhard Jochem, Robert Kaufmann, Amory B Lovins, Mohan Munasinghe, R K Pachauri, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, Per Peterson, Lee Schipper, Margaret Slade, Vaclav Smil, Ernst Worrell, 2004
Myofascial Manipulation: Theory and Clinical Application
Robert I. Cantu, Alan J. Grodin, Robert W. Stanborough, Robert Schleip, 2011
Individual Differences and Behavior in Organizations
Kevin R. Murphy, Sheldon Zedeck, Leaetta M. Hough, Robert J. Schneider, Robert Hogan, Rex J. Blake, Jennifer M. George, Stephan J. Motowidlo, James T. Austin, Howard J. Klein, Michael Blake Gasser, Frederick L. Oswald, Jeffrey A. LePine, Daniel R. Ilgen, Robert A. Baron, Rodney L. Lowman, Lawrence R. James, Michael D. McIntyre, Joseph G. Rosse, Terry W. Noel, Keith Hattrup, Susan E. Jackson, Benjamin Schneider, 1996
Challenging Orthodoxy: America's Top Medical Preventives Speak Out! : Interviews With Robert C. Atkins..Et Al (Keats Health Book)
Kurt Greenberg, Robert Atkins MD, J Alexander Bralley PhD, Serafina Corsello MD, Robert DaPrato MD, Garry F Gordon MD, Ronald L Hoffman MD, Warren Levin MD, Michael Schachter MD, John Parks Trowbridge MD, Robert W Willner MD PhD, Arline Brecher, Carlton Fredericks, Abram Hoffer, Linus Pauling, 2022
Algorithmic and Register-Transfer Level Synthesis: The System Architect's Workbench
Donald E. Thomas, Elizabeth D. Lagnese, Robert A. Walker, Jayanth V. Rajan, Robert L. Blackburn, John A. Nestor, 1989
Advanced Dam Engineering for Design, Construction, and Rehabilitation
Robert B. Jansen (auth.), Robert B. Jansen (eds.), 1989
Hurst's The Heart: Manual of Cardiology, 10th Edition
Robert A. O'Rourke (Author), R. Wayne Alexander (Author), Valentin Fuster (Author), Robert Roberts (Author), Spencer B. King (Author), Hein J.J. Wellens (Author), 2002